A Qik Alternative To House Democrats’ Restrictive New Rules

Posted by Nick on July 10th, 2008

In the video below Rep. John Culberson (R-TX) and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) discuss an alternative to House Democrats’ proposed rules that would restrict the use of new technology by Members of Congress. Rep. Culberson was able to publish this video live via his mobile phone using Qik, one of the cutting-edge tools that House Democrats are threatening to ban.

House Republicans understand that technologies such as Qik, Twitter, and YouTube can help members better communicate with their constituents and increase transparency in government.  This is why Leader Boehner has asked Speaker Pelosi to join Republicans in opposing this new government censorship of the Internet.

If you’re currently using Twitter, make sure to follow @GOPLeader and @johnculberson for regular updates on their efforts to keep the Internet free.

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This entry was posted on Thursday, July 10th, 2008 at 10:38 am and is filed under internet freedom, qik, twitter. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

5 Responses to “A Qik Alternative To House Democrats’ Restrictive New Rules”

  1. Hamilton Says:

    The more open government is the better. Thanks for bringing this issue to everyone’s attention.

    Rep’s Culberson and McCarthy, you both voted for H.R. 6304 which reduces the public’s right to privacy, but we’re still behind in you preserving your right to free speech.

  2. emmekelley Says:

    I love it when my Rep stays with technology to keep us informed on things going on outside of the local world that we live and work in. Thanks for the updates and keeping us informed.

  3. Mark Myers Says:

    First I am impressed you know what twitter is. Cudo’s.

    As to whether there should be any kind on censorship on the internet. Please refer back to one of our founding fathers, Ben Franklin, “That government which governs best, governs least.”

    The internet has opened avenues of communications between peoples that have never been possible in history. Look around the internet and you will find ‘good ole American entrepreneurs’ have sprouted up from around the world.

    A free market is freedom at it’s best. Would my government want to limit what I can and cannot view, read, comment on? Ask China how that’s working out for them.

  4. http://www.t-mobile.co.uk | T-Mobile Special Offers | Latest News Today Says:

    […] A Qik Alternative To House Democrats’ Restrictive New Rules - Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) discuss an alternative to House Democrats’ proposed rules that would restrict the use of new technology by Members of Congress. Rep. Culberson was able to publish this video live via his mobile phone using Qik, … […]

  5. Sharon Linkchorst Says:

    I think it is amazing what technology we have today to communicate. We are suppose to be a Free Market and have Free Speech. Democrats are just scared because all their back room secrets are going across the air and they can not stand it! We still live America/ the United States of America.

    Guess what if the roles were reversed, they would be fighting for Freedom of Speech.

    Keep going, do not stop keeping us informed

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