2009 Kit

Voices for Recovery

Kevin Hauschulz

Kevin Hauschulz (6/30/2009 )

Hartford, CT
Lead Telephone Recovery Support Coordinator, CT Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR)

I am a person in long-term recovery, and have not used drugs or alcohol since June 25, 2006. I feel reconnected with my family and friends, and I’m truly living a life beyond my wildest dreams. My journey into addiction began during high school and evolved tremendously during college. I entered treatment in May 2005 and obtained support from various treatment centers and programs in my area – all of which were tremendous experiences that helped me realize that recovery was a reality for me. Unfortunately, I fell into the trap of prescription drug abuse in 2006, which is why my sobriety date is June 25, 2006.

Since then, I have been blessed with all the wonders that come along with sobriety. I began volunteering and was hired as a telephone recovery support coordinator. I now help to run a program for the entire state of Connecticut. The concept of telephone recovery support is simple: call someone once a week to simply check in and see how they are doing. The results are amazing. I feel honored and extremely lucky to be able to work at an organization that celebrates recovery and puts a positive face on recovery. Another blessing is all the wonderful, inspiring people I have met along this journey. I am now a homeowner and living with my girlfriend of three years, the light of my life. I am pursuing a master’s degree in social work.