Preventing Industrial Dust Explosions

Worker Protection Against Combustible Dust Explosions and Fires Act (H.R. 849)

The Worker Protection Against Combustible Dust Explosions and Fires Act would require the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to issue rules regulating combustible industrial dusts, like sugar dust, that can build up to hazardous levels and explode. In early February 2008 the Imperial Sugar refinery in Port Wentworth, Georgia, exploded, killing 13 workers and severely injuring many more. OSHA and the U.S. Chemical Safety Board, which have launched a major investigation into the Imperial Sugar explosion, have concluded that the explosion was caused by combustible sugar dust.

Workers cannot be asked to wait any longer for these basic protections.

In 2006, following a series of fatal combustible dust explosions,the U.S. Chemical Safety Board conducted a major study of combustible dust hazards.It identified 281 combustible dust incidents between 1980 and 2005 that killed 119 workers, injured 718 others, and extensively damaged industrial facilities. The tragedy at Imperial Sugar shows that the threat of dust explosions is very real at industrial worksites across America and needs to be addressed immediately.


Background Information on Combustible Dust

When dust builds up to dangerous levels in industrial worksites, it can become fuel for fires and explosions. Combustible dust can come from many sources, such as sugar, flour, feed, plastics, wood, rubber, furniture, textiles, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, dyes, coal, and metals, and therefore poses a risk across a number of different industries throughout the United States.  

To address dust hazards, H.R. 849 would:

  • Direct OSHA to issue an interim final Combustible Dust standard within 90 days. The standard would include measures to minimize hazards associated with combustible dust through improved housekeeping, engineering controls, worker training and a written combustible dust safety program.
  • Direct OSHA to issue a final standard within eighteen months. OSHA would be required to include relevant parts of National Fire Protection Association standards. In addition to items required in the interim standard, the final standard would include requirements for building design and explosion protection. The interim standard would remain in effect until the final standard is issued. OSHA would be required to fulfill all administrative rulemaking requirements including full public hearings, feasibility analysis and small business review.
  • Direct OSHA to include combustible dusts in the Hazard Communication Standard which requires workers to receive information and training about the hazards they face.
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