ORISE Business Areas

National Security and Emergency Management

Science Education Programs

Occupational Exposure and Worker Studies

Professional and Technical Training

Independent Environmental Assessment and Verification

Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site

Scientific Peer Reviews

Worker and Public Health Communication

Other Business Areas


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Home > National Security & Emergency Management > Additional Readiness Support

National Security & Emergency Management

Additional Readiness Support

Many components contribute to an organization's readiness to respond, whether to a terrorist attack involving weapons of mass destruction or a natural disaster such as a hurricane. The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is a respected partner of several federal agencies. We offer comprehensive services to help our clients prepare. Our personnel even work side-by-side with them during actual emergencies or events.

ORISE's national security and emergency management experts:

Examples of our support include:

U.S. Department of Energy
ORISE works closely with DOE's National Nuclear Security Administration as actual responders for the Nuclear Incident Team and the Oak Ridge Office Joint Information Center. We also develop innovative systems for tracking exercises, personnel, and equipment.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
ORISE is looked upon to provide DHS with the tools to strategically protect our country from all types of natural or man-made threats and disasters.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
ORISE supports the FBI in several ways with a rare blend of subject matter expertise from a diverse team of highly qualified veterans of military special operations and federal law enforcement.

Emergency Public Information for Multiple Clients
ORISE helps to prepare both government and private organizations to manage the communications aspects of an emergency response. We develop crisis communications plans, analyze our clients' training needs, and develop and deliver the training needed to ensure personnel are prepared.


For more information

David Hackemeyer
Acting Director, National Security and Emergency Management Program

TOPOFF 3 Training Exercise