NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. A New Way to Keep Clean

    It is almost impossible to get a spacecraft completely clean before launch. Therefore, missions to other planets carry some risk of forward contamination – where microorganisms from Earth travel along with the spacecraft to its destination. This is a big problem in the search for life on planets like Mars, because you don’t want to contaminate the site you’re going to be studying. To help combat this problem, a team of scientists funded by a NASA ASTEP award have developed a new cleaning protocol that could be used for future missions to Mars and beyond.

    Source: [Astrobiology Magazine]

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    1. Jun 8, 2009
      Esmeralda Catalan said:

      I think that’s really cool! but I am wondering what is the new cleaning protocol and how does it work.. I also wonder if it will ever be more easily made and be marketed.. but I doubt it..

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