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Pollutants in the EnvironmentHome | Image Galleries | Pollutants in the Environment

Little Elk Creek GPS Locations 1 to 11 - Part 2

There was very little anthropogenic debris in this stretch of Little Elk Creek and the adjacent riparian zone.  The team crossed a drainage ditch entering the creek from the north, which had a low flow of heavily iron-stained water.  The ditch came from the Triumph Industrial Park, but the field team could not track the ditch back to its source.  Further upstream, the team observed a rock wall on the right bank (all references to right and left bank are based on looking downstream).  The wall is constructed out of quarried rock stacked 1.2 to 1.5 m (4 to 5 feet) high (photo).  There is a concrete thrust block on the downstream end, which had a dirt-filled pipe sticking out toward the creek.  Several of the quarry rocks on the upstream side are displaced and falling into the creek.  This rock wall could be replaced with bioengineered bank protection but it represents a small fraction of the reach of Little Elk Creek as observed from this location.

Click on an image below to see the full image.

Location 5 - Looking upstream at

Location 5 - Looking upstream at 'tulip' Poplar on Little Elk Creek from under power lines
(11.30.99, Little Elk Creek)

Location 5 - Sandy point bar on Little Elk Creek looking downstream

Location 5 - Sandy point bar on Little Elk Creek looking downstream
(11.30.99, Little Elk Creek)

Location 6 - 12-in. stormwater outfall on Little Elk Creek

Location 6 - 12-in. stormwater outfall on Little Elk Creek
(11.30.99, Little Elk Creek)

Location 8 - Concrete thrust block with 18-in. clogged culvert at downstream end of rock embankment

Location 8 - Concrete thrust block with 18-in. clogged culvert at downstream end of rock embankment
(11.30.99, Little Elk Creek)

Location 8 - Rock embankment with blue AKC buildings in background

Location 8 - Rock embankment with blue AKC buildings in background
(11.30.99, Little Elk Creek)

Location 8 - Failing section of rock wall bank protection at upstream end

Location 8 - Failing section of rock wall bank protection at upstream end
(11.30.99, Little Elk Creek)

Location 9 - Taking GPS reading on Little Elk Creek

Location 9 - Taking GPS reading on Little Elk Creek
(11.30.99, Little Elk Creek)

Location 9 - High cut bank with bedrock at base, covered with cobbles and then sand

Location 9 - High cut bank with bedrock at base, covered with cobbles and then sand
(11.30.99, Little Elk Creek)

Location 10 - Bedrock in bed of Little Elk Creek (whitish yellow sandstone)

Location 10 - Bedrock in bed of Little Elk Creek (whitish yellow sandstone)
(11.30.99, Little Elk Creek)

Location 11 - Bridge over Little Elk Creek looking upstream

Location 11 - Bridge over Little Elk Creek looking upstream
(11.30.99, Little Elk Creek)

Location 11 - Looking downstream on Little Elk Creek at tree and sandy bank

Location 11 - Looking downstream on Little Elk Creek at tree and sandy bank
(11.30.99, Little Elk Creek)

Location 11 - Large woody debris in Little Elk Creek

Location 11 - Large woody debris in Little Elk Creek
(11.30.99, Little Elk Creek)

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