USGS: Biology arrow iconStatus & Trends Home arrow iconNews & Events arrow iconApril 2008


4/4/2008 - North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference

Effective Conservation through Partnerships was the theme.  It opened with a one day session concerning the impacts of climate change on fish and wildlife. Presentations by State, Academic, and NGO partners and discussions of impacts to fish, wildlife, and recreation followed. In the closing session, Lynn Scarlett and Ken Williams related global climate change adaptation and adaptive management. Attendees appreciated Lynn?s commitment to attend and be a part of the discussions.


4/21/2008 - 4/24/2008 - Modelling Patterns and Dynamics of Species Occurrence Workshop
The Fish and Wildlife Service National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) will host a workshop covering many of the latest methods for modelling patterns and dynamics of species occurrence in a landscape, while accounting for the imperfect detection of the species. Participants will be introduced to available software through worked examples, with special emphasis on aspects of study design. This workshop is being run in conjunction with the US FWS where the course is titled Population Viability Analysis IV: Modeling Occupancy for Conservation