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ICT Center

The summary below was provided by the Peace Corps Volunteer and the community administering this project.



This project aims to bring computer technology to a community in Uganda in collaboration with a local community organization. This project will increase the development of the area by providing an essential tool that will assist local leaders, groups, schools, teachers and students in completing their work.

The first goal of this project is to provide area communities with a place to learn basic ICT skills. These skills will be taught through classes such as Introduction to Computers, Microsoft Office Applications and Introduction to the Internet. They will be offered at a low price to primarily secondary school students and teachers, but also to local leaders, officials and interested community members.

The second goal achieved through the ICT project will be to increase the organizational capacity of the sponsoring organization. With ICT technology, this organization will improve record-keeping, networking, organization and research. With this capacity, the organization’s areas of focus—education, health care, agriculture—will significantly improve.

The final goal of this ICT project is to provide a small income generation for the organization. Through fees for classes, charges for printing, photocopying, typing and internet use, the organization will generate income.

These three goals will help the community a great deal in development through computer technology.

If you have questions about this or other projects, email our office.

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Project Details

Volunteer Coordinator
Edwards T. of CA
Project Number
Community Contribution
(25% of total budget)
Original Request
Funds Still Needed
