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The Nineteenth Century in Print: Books


Flower and thorn;
Flowers and fruits from the wilderness;
The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi :
The flying islands of the night,
For the people.
Foreign missions:
Forest buds,
Formation of the Christian character...
Four questions for the people, at the presidential election.
Four years at Yale.
Four years campaigning in the Army of the Potomac,
A free and impartial exposition of the causes which led to the failure of the Confederate States to establish their independence.
Free homes for free men. Speech of Hon. G. A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, in the House of representatives, February 29, 1860.
Freedom and fellowship in religion.
Freedom in Kansas.
Freedom v. Slavery.
From Cape Cod to Dixie and the tropics.
From the Hub to the Hudson,
From the stage coach to the pulpit,
Frost's Laws and by-laws of American society :
The Fugitive slave bill;
Fugitive slave law.
The fugitive slave law:
The function and place of conscience in relation to the laws of men;
The garden of dreams,
Garnered sheaves:
Gazetteer of the St. Joseph Valley, Michigan and Indiana,
Geary and Kansas.
The general ; or, Twelve nights in the hunters' camp :
A general catalogue of the officers & graduates, from its organization in 1837-1864.
General history of the state of Michigan:
Gentle measures in the management and training of the young ...
The gentlemen's book of etiquette, and manual of politeness;
Geology and revelation:
Get thee behind me, Satan!
Getting on in the world;
Goblins and pagodas,
God against slavery:
God revealed in the process of creation,
Gold and debt;
The golden hour.
The golden legend,
The golden state:
Good morals and gentle manners.
The government and communion practiced by the Congregational Churches in the United States of America,
The government class book;
The government of Michigan, its history and jurisprudence.
Government of the state of Michigan,
Graded course of instruction for the public schools of Chicago.
The graded school.
Graffiti d'Italia,
Grandmother's story and other poems,
Grappling with the monster;
The great Mississippi flood of 1874,
The great West and Pacific coast;
The great conflagration.
The great fraud upon the public credulity in the organization of the Republican party upon the ruins of the "Whig party,"
The great future of America and Africa;
Great land sale.
The great metropolis;
The great question: will you consider the subject of personal religion?
The great remembrance and other poems.
The great republic;
The great riots of New York, 1712 to 1873,
Gropings after truth:
The growth of cities:
A guide for rational inquiries into the Biblical writings.
Guide to Boston and vicinity :
Guide to Charleston illustrated.
Guide to the kindergarten and intermediate class,
A half century of the Unitarian controversy, with particular reference to its origin, its course, and its prominent subjects among the Congregationalists of Massachusetts.
Hallowed songs ...
Hampton and its students.
A hand book for the Presbyterian church in Minnesota,
A handful of lavender.
The hanging of the crane,
Hans Breitmann's ballads.
The harmony between Christian faith and physical science.
Harper's New York and Eric rail-road guide book ...
The Hawaiian Islands:
Hay fever...
He and she;
The heavenly recognition;
Heavenward bound.
Helps to a life of holiness and usefulness,
"The higher law" in its application to the Fugitive slave bill.
The higher law, in its relations to civil government:
Hills of song.
Hints on the formation of religious opinions.
Hints on the internal improvement of North Carolina:
Hints to persons about building in the country.
Hints toward reforms, in lectures, addresses, and other writings. By Horace Greeley ...
Historical collections of Ohio;
Historical discourse delivered on the quarter-centenial anniversary of the University of Mississippi on Wednesday, June 25th, 1873,

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