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» Hoyer Statement on Working Conditions for AoC Employees, March 29, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement regarding a letter from employees of the Architect of the Capitol (AoC) about working conditions in the tunnels underneath the Capitol:
» Hoyer: Democrats Will Use the Full Range of Our National Power to Strengthen America’s Security and Protect Our People, March 29, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after House and Senate Democrats held a joint press conference unveiling a national security agenda, “Real Security: The Democratic Plan to Protect America and Restore Our Leadership in the World.”
» Hoyer Statement on Rep. Lane Evans' Retirement, March 28, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding Rep. Lane Evans’ (D-IL) retirement after serving eleven terms in the United States Congress:
» Hoyer Statement on Bush Speech, March 20, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding President Bush’s speech in Cleveland on Iraq:
» Hoyer Statement on Rep. Martin Sabo's Retirement, March 18, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after Rep. Martin Sabo (D-MN) announced he would be retiring after serving fourteen terms in the United States Congress:
» Hoyer Urges Republicans to Face Fiscal Reality, March 16, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after the Senate passed legislation increasing the statutory debt limit by $781 billion – the fourth debt limit increase in five years under President Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress. The House of Representatives did not have to pass a stand-alone debt limit increase. This latest debt limit increase was deemed to have been passed by the House as part of the Fiscal Year 2006 Budget Resolution:
» Hoyer: Seniors Deserve Better than Bush’s Drug Plan Bungle , March 15, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after President Bush made remarks on the Medicare prescription drug program in Silver Spring, MD:
» Hoyer: Bernanke Is Right – Deficits Are a Huge Problem, March 14, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today following reports that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said in a letter to Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) that he was “quite concerned about the intermediate to long-term federal budget outlook:”
» Hoyer: Decision by DP World to Transfer Port Operations Fails to Answer Security Questions, March 09, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement this afternoon regarding the announcement by Dubai Ports World (DP World), a company owned by the United Arab Emirates, that it will divest itself of all American interests and transfer the operation of U.S. ports to an American entity:
» Hoyer Statement on the President’s Visit to the Gulf Coast, March 08, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding President Bush’s visit to the Gulf Coast to view the ongoing relief and recovery efforts in response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina:
» Hoyer Statement in Support of Democratic Effort To Increase Minimum Wage, March 07, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding Democrats’ effort to force a vote to increase the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25:
» Hoyer Calls for Renewed Commitment to Hurricane Katrina Rebuilding Efforts, March 06, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after returning from the Gulf Coast region to assess the damage done by Hurricane Katrina, as well as the ongoing rebuilding and reconstruction efforts:
» Hoyer Statement on President's Call for Line-Item Veto, March 06, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding President Bush’s request for line-item veto power:
» Hoyer Statement on Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2006, March 02, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding his support for the Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2006.
» Hoyer: America’s National Security Dictates Thorough Review of Port Deal, February 21, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today concerning a deal under which Dubai Ports World of the United Arab Emirates would manage six major U.S. seaports, including the Port of Baltimore:
» Hoyer: Iran’s Belligerence Requires Collective Action, February 16, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) made the following remarks today on the House floor in support of H.Con.Res. 341, which condemns the Government of Iran for violating its international nuclear nonproliferation obligations and expresses support for efforts to report Iran to the United Nations Security Counsel:
» Hoyer Joins Bipartisan Call for Sufficient HIDTA Funding, February 15, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after the release of the bipartisan 2004 HIDTA Program Annual Report, which highlights HIDTA’s success in disrupting the nationwide market for illegal drugs:
» Hoyer: Independent Commission Still Needed to Investigate Katrina Response, February 15, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after the House Select Committee released its final report on the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina:
» Hoyer: Palestinians Must Renounce Call for Israel’s Destruction, February 15, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) made the following remarks today on the House floor in support of S.Con.Res. 79:
» Hoyer: Republican Health Savings Accounts Are a Spoonful of Bad Medicine, February 15, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after President Bush made remarks on health care in Dublin, Ohio:
» Hoyer Applauds Inclusion of Pay Parity in FY07 Budget, Says Dangerous Gap Still Exists with Private Sector, February 06, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Steny Hoyer release the following statement concerning the Bush administration’s proposed 2.2% pay increase next year for both military personnel and civilian federal employees:
» Hoyer: Bush Budget Is Irresponsible, Unrealistic – and Generally Irrelevant, February 06, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding the Bush Administration’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2007:
» Hoyer: FY07 Budget Falls Short on HAVA Funding, February 06, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD), who was the lead Democratic sponsor in the House of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA), released the following statement today regarding the Bush Administration’s failure to fund HAVA in the proposed Fiscal Year 2007 budget:
» Hoyer Honors Black History Month, Calls for Reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, February 02, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in recognition of Black History Month, which began Wednesday and will be observed throughout the month of February:
» Hoyer Congratulates John Larson on Election as Caucus Vice Chairman , February 01, 2006
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after House Democrats elected Rep. John Larson (CT) to become the new Caucus Vice Chairman:


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