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» Pelosi, Hoyer and Obey Announce Further Earmark Reforms, March 11, 2009
Earmarks are part of Congress’s power of the purse, which all Americans know as essential to the balance of powers between the branches of government.
» Hoyer Soap Box Derby Bill Passes House, March 10, 2009
Today I rise as a proud sponsor of House Concurrent Resolution 37, legislation which will allow the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to hold the 68th Annual Greater Washington Soap Box Derby on the grounds of the United States Capitol on Saturday, June 20.
» Hoyer Statement on Introduction of Employee Free Choice Act, March 10, 2009
Today, Chairman Miller and Senators Kennedy and Harkin introduced legislation to give hard-working Americans the tools they need to secure fair wages and treatment at their jobs.
» Hoyer Statement Following Economy Listening Session, March 10, 2009
Today we had the opportunity to hear from leading economists about their thoughts on our nation’s economy.
» Republicans Just Say No: No New Ideas, No Viable Alternatives, March 10, 2009
Fifty days ago, President Obama walked into the White House and inherited one of the worst economic crises this country has ever seen.
» Hoyer Statement at Press Conference on the Wounded Warrior Fellowship Program, March 09, 2009
I am pleased to be here with the Speaker, Members of Congress and veterans participating in Wounded Warrior Fellowship Program.
» Hoyer Statement on the President's Executive Order Lifting Restrictions on Stem Cell Research, March 09, 2009
Today is truly a day of renewed hope for millions of Americans afflicted with diseases for which embryonic stem cell research could hold the cure.
» Hoyer Statement on Red Cross Month, March 06, 2009
For more than 127 years, the American Red Cross has been responding to natural disasters and assisting families in times of need.
» Hoyer: Congress, Obama Administration Continue Efforts to Put Americans Back to Work, March 06, 2009
Today’s unemployment report for February contains more bad news for American workers.
» Hoyer Applauds Administration Decision to End IRS Private Debt Collection Program, March 05, 2009
I applaud the Obama Administration for ending the IRS private debt collection program, which a new study shows provided no government savings, and in fact cost the government more.
» Hoyer Statement on Passage of the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, March 05, 2009
I applaud the House’s passage of the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act.
» America Can’t Afford to Wait On Health Care Reform, March 05, 2009
Our nation’s health care system is an enormous burden on American families, businesses and economy.
» Hoyer: The Time is Now for Comprehensive Health Care Reform, March 05, 2009
Today, I joined President Obama and national health care leaders for a constructive and broad-ranging discussion on health care reform.
» President Obama’s Budget Provides Honest, Responsible Plan For The Future, March 05, 2009
Last week, President Obama delivered to Congress a budget outline that shows real leadership and makes the tough, responsible choices necessary to address the challenges facing our nation.
» New Report Shows American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Will Work, March 04, 2009
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is essential to our economic recovery. Yet, Republicans have repeatedly provided misleading information on its effects in an effort to undermine this important legislation.
» Hoyer Statement on Floor Schedule for D.C. House Voting Rights Act, March 04, 2009
A House vote on the D.C. House Voting Rights Act will be postponed to allow more time for discussion on outstanding matters.
» Hoyer Statement on Nomination of John Berry as Director of OPM, March 03, 2009
I can think of no better person than John Berry to lead the Office of Personnel Management.
» Hoyer Statement on Women's History Month, March 02, 2009
This month is Women’s History Month: We honor the generations of women who fought for a full and equal share in our Nation’s life, from the voting booth to the workplace.
» Hoyer Statement on Nomination of Kathleen Sebelius as HHS Secretary, March 02, 2009
Governor Sebelius is a knowledgeable and experienced executive who I believe is an exceptional choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services.
» Hoyer Statement on House Floor Schedule, March 02, 2009
Due to inclement weather, there will be no votes in the House today. Debate on the suspension bills originally scheduled for today will proceed this afternoon.
» Top 10 Facts: What Does President Obama’s Budget Do for You?, February 27, 2009
Yesterday, President Obama delivered to Congress a budget outline that lays the groundwork for our country’s economic recovery and future growth and stability.
» Hoyer Meets With D.C. Voting Rights Advocacy Groups, February 27, 2009
In preparation for next week’s vote on the D.C. House Voting Rights Act, I met with the supporters and advocacy groups of this important legislation to ensure the strongest coordination of efforts in building support for House passage.
» Hoyer Statement on President Obama’s Iraq Strategy, February 27, 2009
Today President Obama gave an important speech describing – in his own words – ‘how the war in Iraq will end.’
» Hoyer Praises Senate Passage of DC House Voting Rights Act, February 26, 2009
With Senate passage of the DC House Voting Rights Act, a primary obstacle standing in the way of DC residents and their vote in the House has been removed.
» The American People Called For Change, February 26, 2009
Today, President Obama delivered to Congress a budget outline that lays the groundwork for our country’s future economic growth and stability.


Displaying Releases 1 to 25 of 1495
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