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Reproductive Health: Data and Statistics

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Data and Statistics Reference Links:

GIS map image with buildingsInteractive Atlas of Reproductive Health
A web-based interactive geographic information system (GIS) dedicated to reproductive health issues such as infant mortality, fertility, and low birth weight.

CPONDER graph imageCPONDER—A Web-based analysis system providing state-level prevalence and trend data on maternal and infant health indicators from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS).

Health, United States, 2008
This link includes trend tables on Fertility and Natality: prenatal care, childbearing, low-birth weight, abortions, contraceptive use, breastfeeding. Mortality: infant mortality, infant, neonatal and postneonatal mortality rates, maternal mortality.

Trends in Health
Women's Health
Men's Health
Child and Adolescent Health
Black or African American Population
Asian or Pacific Islander Population
American Indian or Alaska Native Population
Hispanic or Latino Population

Key Statistics from CDC's National Survey of Family Growth
These “Key Statistics” give some of the most important findings from Cycle 6 of the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), conducted in 2002 ...more

By the early 1980s, scientific research clearly showed that personal health behaviors played a major role in premature morbidity and mortality. Although national estimates of health risk behaviors among U.S. adult populations  ...more

The YRBSS was developed in 1990 to monitor priority health risk behaviors that contribute markedly to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth and adults ...more

PeriStats* developed by the March of Dimes Perinatal Data Center, PeriStats provides free access to federal, state, city, and county maternal & infant health data.

Women’s Health USA 2008
This data book was developed by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to provide readers with an easy-to-use collection of current and historical data on some of the most pressing health challenges facing women, their families, and their communities. Women’s Health USA 2008 is intended to be a concise reference for policymakers and program managers at the Federal, State, and local levels to identify and clarify issues affecting the health of women.

(NCHS) Fast Stats A—Z
Birth Data
Birth Defects/ Congenital Anomalies
Births—Method of Delivery
Birthweight and Gestation
Contraceptive Use
Infant Health
Men's Health
Multiple Births
Obstetrical Procedures
Prenatal Care
Reproductive Health
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/STD
Teen Births
Unmarried Childbearing
Women's Health

HIV/AIDS Statistics

STD Prevention, Surveillance and Statistics

Kaiser Family Foundation State Health Facts*

Quick Resource Links
CDC Wonder
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG)
National Vital Statistics System (NVSS)
National Hospital Discharge Survey


Abortion Surveillance System FAQ's

Abortion Surveillance—United States, 2005 | adobe PDF logo View PDF 1.3MB
In 2005, 820,151 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. This total represents a 2.3% decrease from the 839,226 abortions reported for 2004. The abortion ratio for 2005 decreased since 2004. The ratio was 233 legal induced abortions per 1,000 live births in 2005. In 2005, the abortion rate was 15 per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years of age, the same since 2000. For the same 46 reporting areas, the abortion rate remained relatively constant during 1998–2005. As in the past, a higher number of abortions were obtained by white women, unmarried women, and women under 25 years of age. More than half (62%) of the reported legal induced abortions were performed during the first 8 weeks of gestation; 88% were performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Source: MMWR 2008;57(SS-13);1–32.

Previous MMWR Abortion Surveillance Reports
2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994–1993  1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987– 1986 | 1985–1984 | 1981  1980–1979

Assisted Reproductive Technology

2007 Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rates: Preliminary Data
National Summary and Fertility Clinic Reports

The findings include a national summary that uses information from 430 fertility clinics in operation in 2007. This information is preliminary and subject to change until the final report publication, tentatively scheduled to be released December 2009. CDC assumes no liability for the completeness or accuracy of the data and cannot be held responsible for using the preliminary data.

2006 Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rates
National Summary and Fertility Clinic Reports

The data for this national report comes from the 483 fertility clinics in operation in 2006 that provided and verified data on the outcomes of all ART cycles started at their clinics. The 138,198 ART cycles performed at these reporting clinics in 2006 resulted in 41,343 live births (deliveries of one or more living infants) and 54,656 infants. Data provided by U.S. fertility clinics that use ART to treat infertility is a rich source of information about the factors that contribute to a successful ART treatment—the delivery of a live-born infant. Order report

Previous ART Reports 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000–1995 (PDF format only) 

Assisted Reproductive Technology Surveillance—United States, 2006
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures are used to overcome infertility. It includes infertility treatments in which eggs and sperm are handled in the laboratory to establish a pregnancy. Women who undergo those procedures are more likely to deliver multiple-birth infants than those who conceive naturally. This report presents the most recent national data and state-specific results. Source: MMWR 2009;58(SS05):125.

Previous ART Surveillance Summary
2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000


Fact sheet: Hysterectomy in the United States, 2000–2004
In the United States, approximately 600,000 hysterectomies are performed each year, and the procedure is the second most frequently performed major surgical procedure among reproductive-aged women.

Infant Health

Apparent Disappearance of the Black-White Infant Mortality Gap—Dane County, Wisconsin, 1990–2007
Despite substantial reductions in U.S. infant mortality during the past several decades, black-white disparities in infant mortality persist. Source: MMWR 2009;58(20);561–565.

QuickStats: Rate of Triplet and Higher Order Births, by Age Group of Mother— United States, 1980–2006 Source: MMWR 2009:58(16);439.

The Challenge of Fetal Mortality Source: NCHS Data Brief 2009;16.

QuickStats: Percentage of Large-for-Gestational-Age Births, by Race or Hispanic Ethnicity — United States, 2005 Source: MMWR 2008;57(46);1258.

QuickStats: Preterm-Related Infant Mortality Rates, by Race/Ethnicity of Mother — United States, 2000 and 2005 Source: MMWR 2008;57(33);902.

QuickStats: Infant, Neonatal, and Postneonatal Annual Mortality Rates United States, 1940–2005
Source: MMWR 2008;57(14);377.

QuickStats: Fetal Mortality Rates, by Race/Ethnicity of Mother—United States, 2004
Source: MMWR 2007;56(49);1293.

QuickStats: Percentage of Infant Deaths from Preterm-Related Causes, by Race/Ethnicity—United States, 2000 and 2004 Source: MMWR 2007;56(47);1242.

QuickStats: Distribution of Births, by Gestational Age—United States, 1990 and 2005
Source: MMWR 2007;56(14);344.

Birth Data
Fast Stats from CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

Infant Health
Fast Stats from CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

Fetal and Perinatal Mortality, United States, 2003 Adobe PDF logo PDF 688KB Source: NVSS 2007; 55(6).

QuickStats: Percentage of Total Births That Were Preterm, by Gestational Age—United States, 1990 and 2005 Source: MMWR 2007;56(02);33.

QuickStats: Infant Mortality Rates, by Maternal Race/Ethnicity—United States, 1995 and 2003 Source: MMWR 2006;55(24);683.

QuickStats: Rate of Very Low Birthweight, by Age of Mother and Multiple-Birth Status—United States, 2003 Source: MMWR 2005;54(47);1215.

QuickStats: Leading Causes of Neonatal and Postneonatal Deaths — United States, 2002
Source: MMWR 2005;54(38);966.

Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Infant Mortality—United States, 1995–2002
Data were analyzed from the National Vital Statistics System for the period 1995–2002 to examine racial and ethnic disparities in infant mortality rates (IMRs). IMRs were calculated by race/ethnicity of the mother in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia (DC). Source: MMWR 2005;54(22):553–556.

Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2004 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set Adobe PDF logo PDF 787KB Source: NVSR 2007;55(14).

Infant Mortality and Low Birth Weight Among Black and White Infants— United States, 1980–2000 
This report describes trends in mortality and birth weight among black and white infants. These trends indicate persistent black-white disparities. Source: MMWR 2002;51(27):589–592.

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Infant Mortality Rates — 60 Largest U.S. Cities, 1995–1998
This report highlights the wide disparities in the most recent overall race- and ethnicity-specific IMRs for the largest U.S. cities and describes key differences among those cities. Source: MMWR 2002;51(15):329–332,343.

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International Reproductive Health Surveys

Reproductive health surveys collect data on maternal and infant health in developing countries.

Maternal Health

Preconception and Interconception Health Status of Women Who Recently Gave Birth to a Live-Born Infant—Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), United States, 26 Reporting Areas, 2004 Source: MMWR 2007;56(SS10);1-35.

QuickStats: Percentage of All Live Births by Cesarean Delivery—National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2005 Source: MMWR 2007;56(15);373.

Maternal Mortality and Related Concepts  Adobe PDF logo PDF 399KB
This report presents data on U.S. deaths to pregnant or recently pregnant women. Source: National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat 2007;3(33).

Birth data
This link to CDC's National Center for Health Statistics presents data on U.S. births, including teen birth rates, and fertility rates. Trend in fertility patterns and maternal and infant characteristics are described and interpreted ...more

Racial/Ethnic Trends in Fetal Mortality—United States, 1990–2000
CDC analyzed 1990–2000 data from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS). The findings indicate substantial reductions in fetal deaths, primarily because of reductions in late fetal deaths (>28 weeks' gestation) compared with early fetal deaths (20–27 weeks' gestation). Despite these reductions, racial/ethnic disparities in fetal deaths persist, particularly among non-Hispanic blacks. Source: MMWR 2004;53(24):529–532.

Pregnancy-related mortality surveillance—United States, 1991–1999 | Adobe PDF logo View PDF 797KB
This surveillance summary provides an in-depth analysis of data for 1991–1999 from CDC’s National Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System. During that time period, the surveillance system identified 4,200 pregnancy-related deaths, for a U.S. pregnancy-related mortality ratio of 11.8 pregnancy-related deaths per 100,000 live births. Source: MMWR 2003;52(SS–2):1–8.

Pregnancy-Related Deaths Among Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native Women—United States, 1991–1997
This report highlights the first federal study to provide pregnancy-related mortality ratios for specific racial and ethnic groups in the United States. It found that women in these groups had a significantly higher risk of death related to pregnancy than non-Hispanic white women. Source: MMWR 2001;50(18):361-364.

Highlights of Trends in Pregnancies and Pregnancy Rates by Outcome: Estimates for the United States, 1976–1996 Adobe PDF logo PDF 348KB
A report from the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tracks the effects of changes in sexual activity, marriage patterns, contraceptive use, attitudes and economic and educational opportunities on pregnancies, and pregnancy rates. Source: National Vital Statistics Reports 2000;47(29):12.

Previous Pregnancy-Related Mortality Surveillance Report: 1987–1990
This report summarizes surveillance data for pregnancy-related deaths in the United States for 1987-1990 from the National Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System.
Source: MMWR 1997;46(SS-4):17–36.

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Tobacco Use and Pregnancy

Trends in Smoking Before, During, and After Pregnancy —Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), United States, 31 Sites, 2000–2005
During 2000–2004, an estimated 174,000 women in the United States died annually from smoking-attributable causes, and an estimated 776 infants died annually from causes attributed to maternal smoking during pregnancy. Source: MMWR 2009;58(SS04);1–29.

Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost, and Productivity Losses —United States, 2000–2004.
During 2000–2004, smoking resulted in an estimated annual average of 269,655 deaths among males and 173,940 deaths among females in the United States. Smoking during pregnancy resulted in an estimated 776 infant deaths annually during 2000—2004. Source: MMWR 2008;57(45):1226–1228.

Smoking Prevalence Among Women of Reproductive Age—United States, 2006.
CDC analyzed state-specific prevalence of smoking and attempts to quit among women of reproductive age, using 2006 data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Median state prevalence of current smoking was 22.4% (range: 5.8% [U.S. Virgin Islands]—34.7% [Kentucky]). Source: MMWR 2008;57(31):849–852.

Monitoring Progress Toward Achieving Maternal and Infant Healthy People 2010 Objectives—19 States, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), 2000–2003 

In 2003, all 19 states achieved or exceeded the HP 2010 objective for smoking cessation during pregnancy, and 16 states achieved the HP 2010 objective for abstinence from alcohol during the last 3 months of pregnancy.  Source: MMWR 2006;55(SS09):1–11.


Annual Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost, and Productivity LossesUnited States, 19972001

Smoking during pregnancy resulted in an estimated 910 infant deaths annually during 1997--2001. Source: MMWR 2005; 54(25);625–628.

Smoking During Pregnancy—United States, 1990–2002
In 2002, smoking during pregnancy was reported by 11.4% of all women giving birth in the United States, a decrease of 38% from 1990, when 18.4% reported smoking. From 1990 to 2002, all 44 states (and DC) with comparable data for the entire observation period reported significant declines in maternal smoking. Source: MMWR 2004;53(39):911–915.

State Estimates of Neonatal Health-Care Costs Associated with Maternal Smoking—United States, 1996
This report summarizes the results of an analysis, which estimated smoking-attributable neonatal expenditures (SAEs) of $366 million in the United States in 1996, or $704 per maternal smoker, and indicated wide variations in SAEs among states. These costs are preventable. States can use these data to justify or support their prevention and cessation treatment strategies.
Source: MMWR 2004;53(39):915–917.

Surveillance for Disparities in Maternal Health-Related Behaviors—Selected States, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), 2000–2001

Overall, the prevalence of smoking during pregnancy ranged from 9.0% to 17.4. Younger (aged <25 years) women, white women, American Indian women, non-Hispanic women (except in Hawaii), women with a high school education or less, and women with low incomes consistently reported the highest rates of smoking. Source: MMWR 2004;53(SS4);1–13.


Smoking During Pregnancy in the 1990s Adobe PDF logo PDF 730KB
The percentage of women who smoked during pregnancy declined every year from 1990 through 1999. In 1999, 12.3 percent of women giving birth reported smoking during pregnancy. For women 15 to 19 years of age, the rate of smoking during pregnancy declined between 1990 and 1994. Source: NVSS 2001;49:7.

Cigarette Smoking During the Last 3 Months of Pregnancy Among Women Who Gave Birth to Live Infants— Maine, 1988–1997 Adobe PDF logo PDF 311KB
To study smoking prevalence over time among women who gave birth to live infants in Maine, CDC and the Maine Department of Human Services (MDHS) analyzed self-reported data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) collected during 1988–1997 Source: MMWR 1999;48(20):421–425.

Cigarette Smoking During the Last 3 Months of Pregnancy Among Women Who Gave Birth to Live Infants—Maine, 1988-1997. Source: MMWR 1999;48(21):449.

Medical-Care Expenditures Attributable to Cigarette Smoking During Pregnancy -- United States, 1995
To derive 1995 estimates of the smoking-attributable costs for direct medical expenditures (i.e., inpatient, physician, hospital outpatient, and emergency department costs) related to pregnancy outcomes, the University of California and CDC analyzed data from the 1987 National Medical Expenditures Survey... Source: MMWR 1997:46(44):1048–1050.

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Unintended and Teen Pregnancy Prevention

QuickStats: Birth Rates for Teens Aged 15–19 Years, by Age Group—United States, 1985–2007 Source: MMWR 2009; 58(12):313.

Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health of U.S. Women: Data From the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth National Vital Statistics System PDF iconPDF 4.8MB 

Use of Contraception and Use of Family Planning Services in the United States: 1982–2002. Advance Data No. 350. PDF iconPDF 1.5 MB 

Teenagers in the United States: Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Use, and Childbearing, 2002. Series No. 23, Volume 24. PDF iconPDF 710 KB

National Vital Statistics System: Birth Data Source: National Vital Statistic Reports.

Estimated Pregnancy Rates by Outcome for the United States, 1990–2004
Source: National Vital Statistics Report 2008;56(15)  PDF icon PDF 762KB.

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance—United States 2007
Source: MMWR 2008;57(SS-4):1–13  PDF icon PDF 1.05MB.

Santelli, Morrow, Anderson, Duberstein Lindbergh. Contraceptive use and Pregnancy Risk among US High School Students, 1991–2003*  Source: Guttmacher Institute Perspectives of Sexual and Reproductive Health 2006;8(2)106–111.

Trends in HIV- and STD-Related Risk Behaviors Among High School Students
United States, 1991–2007
Source: MMWR 57(30).

National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy: State Data*
National and state information, including data on teens and young adults, trend data, demographic data, and unplanned pregnancy and birth data.

Sexual Behavior and Selected Health Measures: Men and Women 15–44 Years of Age, United States, 2002 Source: Advance Data from Vital Health and Statistics 2005;362 PDF icon PDF 1.19MB.

Disparities in Rates of Unintended Pregnancy in the United States, 1994 and 2001*  Finer LB, Henshaw SK, Perspectives on Sexual Reproductive Health 2006;38:90–96. PDF icon PDF 3.27MB

Contraceptive Use—United States and Territories, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2002
In the United States, approximately half of all pregnancies are unintended. Contraceptive use is an important determinant of such pregnancies. To characterize contraceptive use in the United States and its territories, the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), for the first time, asked both men and women about their birth-control use for the prevention of pregnancy during 2002. Source: MMWR 2005;54(SS06);1–72.

QuickStats: Pregnancy, Birth, and Abortion Rates for Teenagers Aged 15–17 Years—United States, 1976–2003 Source: MMWR 2005;54(4).

QuickStats: Percentage of Never-Married Teens Aged 15–19 Years Who Reported Ever Having Sexual Intercourse, by Sex and by Age Group United States, 1995 and 2002
Source: MMWR 2005;54(30);751.

Estimated Pregnancy Rates for the United States, 1990–2000: An Update Adobe PDF logo PDF 710KB
This report presents detailed pregnancy rates for 1990-2000, updating a national series of rates extending since 1976. Source: National Vital Statistic Reports 2004;52(23).

Recent Trends in Teenage Pregnancy in the United States, 1990–2002 Health E-Stats. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. Release December 2006.

Births to Youngest Teens at Lowest Levels in Almost 60 Years
The birth rate among young adolescents aged 10–14 years has fallen to the lowest levels since 1946 according to CDC’s report, Births to 10 to 14 Year-Old Mothers, 1990–2002: Trends and Health Outcomes.

Teenage births in the United States: State trends, 1991–2000 Adobe PDF logo PDF 292KB
This report provides state-specific birth rates for teenagers for 1991 and 2000 and the percent change, 1991–2000.

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Women's Reproductive Health

Preconception and Interconception Health Status of Women Who Recently Gave Birth to a Live-Born Infant—Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), United States, 26 Reporting Areas, 2004 Source: MMWR 2007;56(SS10);1-35.

QuickStats: Annual Rate of Visits to Office-Based Physicians and Hospital Outpatient Departments During Which Combination Estrogen-Progestin Hormone Therapy Was Prescribed for Women Aged >40 years, by Age Group—United States, 2001–2003
Source: MMWR 2006,55(38);1047.

Women's Health and Mortality Chartbook
Developed by NCHS with support from the Office on Women's Health, this chartbook describes the health of people in each State by sex, race, and age by reporting current data on critical issues of relevance to women ...more

Healthy Women: State Trends in Health and Mortality
This site contains tables that describe the health of people in each State by sex, race, and age.  Currently, mortality tables and health behavior and risk factor tables can be accessed by downloading a free data dissemination software called Beyond 20/20®.

2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996

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Page last reviewed: 8/5/09
Page last modified: 8/5/09
Content source: Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

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