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National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)NREL HomeInnovation for Our Energy Future
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Learn about NREL's scientific and technological efforts, performed by scientists, engineers, and analysts across our facilities, to bring renewable energy technologies from the lab to the marketplace.

Distinctive Research and Development Competencies

NREL's distinctive R&D competencies are positioned to advance national energy goals by developing innovations to change the way we power our homes and businesses, and fuel our vehicles. Our R&D competencies allow us to develop and advance renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies more effectively through the full R&D life-cycle—from basic scientific research through applied research and engineering; to testing, scale-up, and demonstration. NREL's R&D competencies are:

  • Renewable electricity conversion and delivery systems
  • Renewable fuels formulation and delivery
  • Efficient and integrated energy systems
  • Strategic energy analysis

A critical part of the laboratory's mission is the deployment of NREL-developed technologies into the marketplace. Our Technology Transfer Office works with private- and public-sector organizations to successfully transfer our technologies into commercially viable products and businesses.

National Renewable Energy Lab Research Review Energy Innovations Newsletter (PDF 1.1 MB) Download Adobe Reader