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» Hoyer Statement on Obama Auto Industry Plan, March 30, 2009
The plan announced by President Obama today is an honest and responsible effort to provide for a strong auto industry while also protecting taxpayers’ money.
» Budget Update: House to Debate President Obama’s Budget, March 30, 2009
» Democratic Budget Shows Commitment to Health Care Reform, March 27, 2009
Spending on health care represents the fastest growing area of the American economy and our federal budget.
» Hoyer Statement on President’s Afghanistan/Pakistan Strategy, March 27, 2009
I applaud the Obama Administration for taking its time to develop a comprehensive strategy for the Afghanistan/Pakistan region.
» All Republican Talk, No Republican Action, March 27, 2009
While Republicans expended a great deal of effort to make their budget document look just like President Obama’s, it was missing something rather important: Numbers…or any substance at all.
» Hoyer Statement on Secretary Geithner Regulatory Proposal, March 26, 2009
Today’s announcement by Secretary Geithner was a positive one, showing President Obama’s commitment to the regulatory reform necessary to strengthen our economy.
» Democrats Committed To Fiscal Prudence, March 26, 2009
The Democratic budget resolution, passed out of committee yesterday, reaffirms President Obama’s and the Democratic Congress’ commitment to a long-term plan to restore fiscal responsibility and advance the priorities of the American people.
» Hoyer Statement on Budget Committee Mark-Up, March 25, 2009
The budget resolution before the House Budget Committee today is a solid plan to build on Democratic efforts to restore our nation’s economy.
» Budget Reconciliation: Setting the Record Straight, March 25, 2009
As the House Budget Committee takes up the Chairman’s Mark today, please click here for a document outlining budget reconciliation, an optional procedure to align spending and revenues with budget provisions.
» Top 10: Democratic Budget Highlights, March 25, 2009
Today, the House Budget Committee is marking up the budget resolution, continuing the budget process between the White House and the Congress as we set our priorities for the upcoming year.
» Hoyer Statement on President Obama's Press Conference, March 24, 2009
Tonight, President Obama made a strong case for his budget priorities and his Administration’s plan to confront this recession.
» Hoyer Statement on House Schedule, March 24, 2009
After passing major legislation through Congress already this year, our Committees are continuing work on critical legislation that will be considered later this spring and summer.
» Democratic Budget Priorities Say “Yes” to Nation, March 24, 2009
Tomorrow, the House Budget Committee will mark up the budget resolution, continuing the budget process between the White House and the Congress as we set our priorities for the upcoming year.
» Hoyer Statement on Cover the Uninsured Week, March 23, 2009
America’s health care system is in need of reform. Millions of Americans are living without health insurance, and millions more are underinsured or barely able to afford the coverage they have.
» Hoyer Statement on Treasury Plan Announced Today, March 23, 2009
The plan announced by Treasury Secretary Geithner this morning is another positive step toward ending the current financial crisis.
» Hoyer Statement on CBO Analysis of the President's Budget, March 20, 2009
The Congressional Budget Office’s analysis of the President’s budget blueprint shows larger deficits than those upon which the President’s budget was based.
» Hoyer: House Moves to Reclaim AIG Bonuses, March 19, 2009
In a crisis that has repeatedly shaken Americans’ faith in the most powerful financial institutions, the sordid AIG bonuses stand out.
» Video: President Obama’s Budget, March 19, 2009
The Majority Leader's Office has created a video highlighting President Obama’s and Congressional Democrats’ commitment to a budget that shows real leadership and makes the tough, responsible choices necessary to address the challenges facing our nation while making critical investments in our future.
» Democrats Cautioned GOP Not to Squander Surplus – As Usual They Said "No", March 18, 2009
After eight years, Republicans’ irresponsible spending turned a record surplus into huge deficits and debt, and left our nation with record deficits for years to come.
» Hoyer Statement on the GIVE Act, March 18, 2009
What has angered so many people about this recession is the perception that its causes are not simply material, but moral.
» From Surplus to Deficit in Eight Years, March 17, 2009
When President George W. Bush took office, the Bush Administration and Republican Congress used the opportunity to pass massive tax cuts, which erased the surplus and created the largest deficits in history.
» Hoyer Statement on Credit for Small Businesses, Outrageous AIG Bonuses, March 16, 2009
Today's announcement by the Obama Administration is a positive step to free up credit for small businesses.
» American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Already Creating Jobs, March 12, 2009
When President Obama took the oath of office in January, he pledged to work with Congress to address the challenges facing our nation and make the tough decisions necessary to ensure that our economy is strong for years to come.
» Health Care Reform Conversation Moves Forward In Congress, Country, March 12, 2009
The need to fix health care is a conversation that is happening not just in Washington, but at the kitchen tables of families across this country.
» Earmark Reforms Under the Democratic Congress, March 11, 2009
Today, House Democratic Leaders announced new earmark reforms to help ensure that taxpayer money is being spent effectively on worthy projects benefitting local communities.


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