
James McMahon

Energy Analysis

Research in energy analysis generates and interprets information to inform governments and international institutions on energy-related issues to help them formulate energy and environmental policies. The Energy Analysis Department is headed by James McMahon.


Building Energy Data Compilation and Analysis

Scientists study the energy performance of buildings and equipment through both direct measurement and simulation. The results of this research provide improved techniques for verifying the savings from energy saving technologies and policies.

China Energy Group

The China Energy Group is committed to understanding the opportunities for helping China meet its energy demand through energy efficiency, and to exploring their implications for policy and business.

Collaborative Labels and Appliance Standards Program (CLASP)

CLASP's sole mission is to promote the appropriate use of energy efficiency standards and labels for appliances, equipment, and lighting in developing and transitional countries.

Electricity Markets and Policy Group

Scientists in the electricity market and policy area analyze public interest policy issues and conduct research projects on key electricity market issues, including electric power system reliability, energy efficiency, demand response, renewable energy, distributed energy resources, and retail energy services.

Technology Evaluation, Modeling and Assessment Group

Researchers work to transform market and technology data into information to provide a sound basis for policy decisions promoting the development and adoption of cost-effective energy-efficiency technologies.

Energy Efficiency Standards Group

The energy efficiency standards activity analyzes technical, economic and environmental aspects of energy use in all sectors, both in the U.S. and internationally.

Government and Industry Programs Group

This group helps public agencies to design and implement market-based strategies that make effective use of today's efficient products and practices and create market demand for new technologies in order to save energy, improve productivity, and reduce pollution.

Heat Island Group

Urban heat islands researchers find, analyze, and implement solutions to the summer warming trends occurring in urban areas, the so-called 'heat island' effect.

International Energy Studies Group

Researchers in international energy studies work to inform governments and international institutions on energy-related issues to help them formulate energy and environmental policies and to facilitate the diffusion of energy-efficient and environmentally benign technology.

Non-Energy Benefits and Interactive Web Tools

Scientists identify and support market recognition of the non-energy benefits of efficient and renewable energy technologies as important drivers of consumer decision-making and as opportunities to internalize traditionally un-costed economic benefits.



  • Jim McMahon
  • 1 Cyclotron Road
  • MS 90R4000
  • Berkeley, CA 94720
  • (510) 486-6049
