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Our 11th Anniversary of Service to the Public:

March 31, 1998 to March 31, 2009

Thank you for putting your trust in the American Hemochromatosis Society


"Just a little bit of blood..."


All it takes is a little bit of blood and a DNA test kit that can be mailed to your home, and you can confirm, or rule out,

Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HH) in a matter of days...Here, Sandra Thomas, founder of the American Hemochromatosis

Society holds a tube of her own blood.  As a "silent carrier" of the cys282 gene mutation, Sandra gets tested for percent of saturation and serum ferritin annually to monitor her iron stores. The DNA test kit which tests for gene mutations which

cause Hereditary Hemochromatosis, is totally painless and easy to order through  This

company also does the blood tests as well at a lab located near you. 



Josephine Bogie Thomas (left) & her daughter, Sandra Thomas, on the

balcony of their apartment in North Hills, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

in November 1998, six months before Josephine died from hereditary hemochromatosis on May 13th, 1999.  Here, Josephine and Sandra

hold some of the brochures they had developed for the

American Hemochromatosis Society (AHS).


AHS Remembers 2 Years Later...August 27, 2007 to August 27, 2009

Joseph Burghard Thomas

Board member and major benefactor of the American Hemochromatosis Society

October 5, 1914 to August 27th, 2007

Dad, you are missed every day.  You did so much to help the cause for awareness of

hereditary hemochromatosis, the disease which took your dear wife, Josephine, from you.  You cared for her tenderly, and stood by her without exception, tirelessly,

patiently, you were there for her from diagnosis in 1983 to her death in 1999.  You set

a wonderful example of devotion and dedication.  One which I easily and gladly followed when it was your turn to face the final chapter of your life.  You and mom were the best, and are dearly missed.  Thank you for all of the timeless life lessons you taught me.

Love,  Sandra


(Joe was the father of AHS president and founder, Sandra Thomas)

Joseph Burghard Thomas Obituary


See the January 8th, 2007 issue of US News & World Report Magazine available now --AHS president, Sandra Thomas and the American Hemochromatosis Society are mentioned in this article by Nancy Shute on genetic testing and its future.

Current Cover

Unraveling Your DNA's Secrets

"...Ever since a gene that causes the disease was detected in 1996, doctors have debated widespread screening. Sandra Thomas, president of the American Hemochromatosis Society, encourages people who contact her to use DTC tests and thinks that everyone should be screened for the disease, which killed her mother."

Do-it-yourself genetic tests promise to reveal your risk of coming down with a disease. But do they really deliver?  For the full story, go to: 



MediFocus Guidebook on Hereditary Hemochromatosis

Medifocus has published an excellent rescource and information guide for patients and families concerning Hereditary Hemochromatosis.







Visit the AHS Neonatal Hemochromatosis Information Center (NH) Site

 "Dylan" (left) has Neonatal Hemochromatosis (NH).  AHS has launched a web site for this rare newborn iron disease.  Learn more about NH in newborns and the exciting new treatment which offers new hope for pregnant women who have already had an NH baby.  

If you have an NH baby, please email or call us at 407-829-4488 so you aren't going through this experience alone.  There are others who have been through this same experience and doctors who are eager to help in any way they can.


Visit our web site for Neonatal Hemochromatosis (NH) at:

Find a physician! See our new updated "Expert Physician & Referral Page"!  Or, recommend your doctor for the AHS referral list.  Click here to see the physician map!

If You Love Raw Oysters and have this!                                                                          

Raw Oysters can be deadly for hemochromatosis patients with liver damage. HH patients should never eat raw oysters!



Check out the YouTube video created by the Canadian Hemochromatosis Society:



Does your blood bank use Hemochromatosis blood as donor blood?

The FDA has now posted a list of blood banks that use hemochrmatosis patients' blood as donor blood because of the tireless work of our Executive Director, David Snyder.  Please click on "More Info" to see the FDA list.

The FDA approved the use of iron overload, Hemochromatosis blood as donor blood in 1999 and allows Hemochromatosis patients to get treated for free. Click here to learn how to help your local blood bank to participate!

"But what should I eat?

Do you have questions about diet and hemochromatosis?




We hear this question almost every day from patients and their family members all over the country.   Although diet is usually not used to control or manage hemochromatosis, there can be important things to know about what to eat or not eat.  If you want more information about diet & hemochromatosis, plus recipes, we recommend a new book, The Hemochromatosis Cookbook by Cheryl Garrison. Another good reference book is Guide to Hemochromatosis, which is chock full of important information about hemochromatosis.  You can order these publications through  or any major book store, or go to:


Thinking about having a liver biopsy?  FerriScan could be your non-invasive alternative!  Read more about this new technology and where you can find it at:



Get tested!! 13 Years: That's how long it has been since the discovery of the HFE gene mutation in August 1996 for the gene mutation for hereditary hemochromatosis (HH). Above, David Snyder, AHS vice president and Sandra Thomas, AHS president, demonstrate how to painlessly use the DNA cheek swab stick to collect a sample to send to the lab.  Results are ready in about a week to ten days.  A commercial test has been available since 1997 and direct access testing (DAT) has been available for several years, yet most patients do know know that they can test themselves for hereditary hemochromatosis.  To order a test kit call HealthCheckUSA at: 1-800-929-2044  or go to their web site for more information on Hemochromatosis tests:


American Hemochromatosis Society (AHS) has served the American public for 11 years:

March 31, 1998/March 31, 2009

Thank you for putting your trust in AHS!!

Sandra Thomas & David Snyder of AHS, with the late, Joe B. Thomas (seated), former board member, observe the 8th anniversary of AHS while displaying a framed medical feature article on hereditary hemochromatosis from the January 2004 issue of Hepatitis Magazine.


"Medicine for the Public" Lecture about
Hereditary Hemochromatosis

Given by: Dr. Susan Leitman on Tuesday, October 21, 2003 at NIH . Click here to see the video.


Before you see your doctor to find out whether or not you have hemochromatosis, please know that a "formal" diagnosis of hemochromatosis on your medical records may put you at risk of being denied health insurance, life insurance, and long term care insurance in the future.  Why?  Because the insurance industry doesn't like "hereditary hemochromatosis" and what it can do to the body and it certainly doesn't like the kind of medical bills that it can create for the patient.  It considers hemochromatosis to be a potentially fatal disease which will cost them a lot of money before the patient dies.  Of course, hemochromatosis, when diagnosed early, does not cause organ damage or death, and the patient will have a normal life span.  In addition, the patient is not going to cost the insurance company a lot of money.  The problem is that the insurance industry is behind the times when it comes to judging insurability of a HFE-associated hereditary hemochromatosis patient.   What can you do?  If you think you are at risk for having hemochromatosis, you must be tested.  However, you can easily test yourself to find out if there is indeed any genetic risk.  How can you do that?  By contacting HealthCheckUSA based in San Antonio, Texas, which markets the DNA test kit made by Kimball Genetics lab, a CLIA accredited lab, based in Denver, Colorado.  To learn more about HH testing you may go to their web site: The toll free number is: 1-800-929-2044.  Ask for a DNA genetic do-it-yourself home test kit for the HFE gene mutation for hereditary hemochromatosis  (HH) and the hemochromatosis blood panel which includes percent of saturation and serum ferritin, two of the main blood tests used to confirm a diagnosis.  Many patients have used this testing method known as "DAT" or direct access testing, which keeps the results private, confidential and for your eyes only, thusly protecting your insurability.  The DNA test kit is about $195.00 and the hemochromatosis blood panel is about $50 to $70 depending on the local lab that you use to draw the blood.   Please note that AHS does not, nor ever has, received any monetary compensation for referring patients to this, or any, lab. Results are sent directly to the patient; and based on your test results, you can decide how to proceed.  Early stage cases may only need to donate blood from time to time, other cases, which are more advanced, will need to be evaluated by a medical expert in the field of hemochromatosis.  Those patients with advanced stages of hemochromatosis and associated symptoms and conditions, should wear a "medic alert" bracelet at all times so that medical personnel will know they have HH.

Patients requiring an expert in hemochromatosis should click: Here


Sandra Thomas, President, American Hemochromatosis Society


A tribute to Ann Landers who helped the Hereditary Hemochromatosis cause through her syndicated column...

Ann Landers' column featured three different letters on iron overload disease, hemochromatosis written by Sandra Thomas, President and Founder of AHS--the most recent letter being published on July 1, 2000. Sadly, Ann passed away on June 22nd, 2002 at the age of 83.  By giving space in her column to HH, she reached millions who had never heard of or read the word--hemochromatosis. She saved countless lives that would have otherwise been lost to this disease.  Thank you, Ann, on behalf of the many people whose lives you saved through your newspaper column. Click Here to read it!

A Message from AHS President Sandra Thomas

Welcome to our web site which features information on HFE associated hereditary hemochromatosis.  We are here to help you in any way we giving you the basics of hemochromatosis and presenting a user friendly web site to help you find the information you need to save your life and the lives of those you love.

Click here for for the latest letter from Sandra . . .



We need you! Become a Member Online! Donate Online!

Has this web site helped you in your search for information on hemochromatosis?   Has a phone call to our office, a visit to our web site, helped you get a diagnosis of hemochromatosis for yourself or a loved one?  If so, please help us to carry on our quest to educate the public and medical community about HFE-associated hereditary hemochromatosis.  The American Hemochromatosis Society (AHS) is a non profit 501(c)3 health organization dedicated to increasing awareness about HH.  You may become a member or make a tax deductable donation through our secure web site or through the mail. Donations may be made to honor the memory of a friend or loved one or to hononr someone who is living, such as the doctor who diagnosed you and saved your life from hemochromatosis.  Remember the American Hemochromatosis Society in your will or trust.  Help us to save help others through your generous giving.

Click here to use our secure donation form


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© 2009 American Hemochromatosis Society

This site was last updated on January 17, 2009