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The American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons is a National/International charitable, non-profit, scientific and educational society.

The Academy seeks to serve patients' interests and needs while maintaining high standards of training, peer review and continuous medical education from board certified members in order to better provide medical care and surgical interventions. More...

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Board Certification
Board Recertification

AANOS is offering one scholarship in the amount of $1000 USD to a Senior year resident in the following specialties: orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery, or neurology. Please submit your original research abstract and paper, biography and Curriculum Vitae to AANOS for review by the Scholarship Committee.

If selected, your abstract and paper will be published in the AANOS Web Journal, and presented at the next Annual meeting. In addition, you will be offered to join the Academy, free-of-charge, for one year.

For all inquiries, deadline and to submit original article Contact Us.
2009 AANOS Resident Scholarship Recipient

Isaac Yang, MD
Senior Neurosurgical Resident, University of California, Department of Neurosurgery, San Francisco, CA

Submission Title: 
Prolific CD8+ T Cell Infiltrate in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Patients Correlates with Long Term Survival

More About: Dr. Yang...


Upcoming Annual Meetings

The American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons

34th Annual Scientific Meeting
& Workshops

May 5-8, 2010
Denver, Colorado
The Brown Palace Hotel

Save the Date

Past Annual Meetings

The American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons
33rd Annual Scientific Meeting & Workshops

May 28-30, 2009
Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Continuing Medical Education

Chairman's Corner

Kazem Fathie, MD, FICS, FACP, PhD


Physicians Must Retain Their Compassion for Patients

Today, patient advocacy, as a viable means to improving the welfare of our society, finds itself in a rather precarious state, fought at high pitch in the pain-filled and bloody trenches of the emergency rooms and operating rooms of hospitals all over the country. Physicians' advocacy, meanwhile, can be likened to white-collar warfare-though ironically fought in the pristine halls of justice or the sterile offices of HMOs and insurance companies. Through some perverse twist, as we enter the second millennium, the practice of medicine has been turned on its head.

How can this have occurred? Our century has been witness to the marvelous advance of medical treatment, from Salk's polio vaccine to Bamard's heart transplant. We lifted the curse of tuberculosis and have seen babies come into this world through in-vitro fertilization. Scientists and physicians have worked hand in hand to develop thousands of treatments, surgical techniques, and pharmaceutical therapies to relieve the most intense pain, cure the incurable, and salvage the unsalvageable. 


About Dr. Fathie - Bio
Archived Discussions


The American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons is pleased to offer its members the following item in partnership with Guardian Publishing.

For Doctors Only: A Guide to Wor
king Less & Building More currently retails for $75. AANOS has negotiated with Guardian to provide members with the book for free as long as the member pays the shipping & handling cost ($9 per book).

For Doctors Only teaches doctors how to efficiently practice so they can get more out of a medical practice. More specifically, For Doctors Only will help doctors protect their personal and practice assets from lawsuits, taxes and bad investments while showing them the secrets to building wealth through the leverage of people, assets and effort.

Paperback. 327 pages.
Guardian Publishing.