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Order Information Rx Materials


The National Library of Medicine Information Rx Program provides physicians and libraries free products designed to make it easy to refer patients to an authoritative, user-friendly, and commercial-free Internet site for health information. MedlinePlus is a valuable FREE patient education tool that is evidence-based and peer reviewed.

To place your order for free promotional materials:

Go to

Ordering Tips:

Sample Kit: Order one of each product to create an Information Rx sample kit.

  • Encourage physicians or their staff to place their own orders for supplies at
  • Order enough supplies for your library to have on hand for promotion and to make available to their physicians.
  • Click here for some ideas about Product Use and Placement.

Bulk Orders: If you need more than the maximum amount set on the website, you can place multiple orders.

Reorders: Orders are shipped within five business days

Customized Products: Space is provided on the bookmarks and the poster for librarians to customize the materials with information about their library.