NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Content with the tag: “auv

  2. ENDURANCE Project Taking Icy Test Dive

    Underwater Robot Takes Test Dive in Wisconsin before Mission to Antarctica: ENDURANCE Project Demonstrating Concepts for Europa Exploration

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  3. Astrobiology's Pioneers

    Astrobiologist Cindy Van Dover is the subject of an interview in today’s New York Times science section. The article discusses her career in marine ecology, and her pioneering role in exploring the ocean with the submersible Alvin.

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  4. Robot Dives Deep for Sinkhole Slime

    In May, researchers successfully conducted the third and final field test of the autonomous underwater robot, DEPTHX. Their objective was to explore Cenote Zacatón, the world’s deepest water-filled sinkhole.

    Zacatón lies near one end of a chain of sinkholes stretching nearly half a mile across Rancho La Azufroza (Sulfur Ranch), located in northeastern México, roughly 20 miles from the Gulf Coast. Even without the sinkholes, the biology of the region would make a fascinating subject of study. The landscape is dotted with a muddle of tropical deciduous trees and bromeliads growing side-by-side with agaves and cacti typical of desert climates....

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  5. Endurance Explorer

    Antarctic Lake Robot Probe Sets Sights on Outer Space

    A robotic probe designed to draw an underwater three-dimensional map showing the biological and geochemical composition of an ice-bound Antarctica lake may prove to be the ideal tool to search for life on other planets or moons where ice is known to exist.

    Peter Doran, associate professor of earth and environmental sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago, is the lead investigator in a three-year, $2.3 million dollar study funded by NASA to build the probe that will map Antarctica’s West Lake Bonney, a two-and-a-half mile long, one-mile wide, 130 foot-deep...

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