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IMLS Public Report
Friday, May 10, 2002

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Status of Technology and Digitization
In the Nation's Museums and Libraries 2002 Report

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Table of Contents
Introduction >
Executive Summary >
Action Recommendations >
Study and Methodology >
Survey Results
Museums >
Public Libraries >
Academic Libraries >
State Library
Administrative Agencies >

IMLS Roles >
Survey >

View PDF >

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Survey Results: IMLS Roles

IMLS Role: Implementing Technologies in Individual Institutions

Respondents were asked to rank the three most important IMLS roles in terms of individual institutions. Figure 39 shows the cumulative rankings of responses by institution type. (For example, 'Provide funding' is designated the most important IMLS role by every institution type. The second most important role is 'Identify and promote standards and best practices in technology' by all but public libraries, which ranked that role fourth.)

'Provide funding' was ranked most highly among all the groups.

Figure 39: Most Important Ways IMLS Can Help Individual Institutions Implement Technology

Most Important Ways IMLS Can Help Individual Institutions Implement Technology

IMLS Role: Implementing Technologies in the Museum and Library Communities

Respondents were asked to rank the three most important IMLS roles for the museum and library communities. Figure 40 shows the cumulative ranks for the responses.

Figure 40: Most Important Ways IMLS Can Help the Museum and Library Communities Implement Technology

Most Important Ways IMLS Can Help the Museum and Library Communities Implement

  Exemplary Project: Islands Apart Link
UpFor the U.S. Virgin Islands, the digital divide is a literal divide. Isolated from the mainland and separated from each other by miles of water, the benefits of the Internet for the islands are dramatic. With support from an IMLS LSTA-funded National Leadership Grant, the University of the Virgin Islands and its partners are developing a comprehensive approach for introducing technology to island libraries. At the same time, they are using technology to bring resources to the islands and to share the islands' unique cultural materials with the world.

IMLS Role: Digitization Initiatives in Individual Institutions

Respondents were asked to rank the three most important IMLS roles in terms of individual institutions. Figure 41 shows the cumulative ranks for the responses.

Figure 41: Most Important Ways IMLS Can Help Individual Institutions with Digitization Initiatives

Most Important Ways IMLS Can Help Individual Institutions with Digitization Initiatives

  • 'Provide funding' and 'Identify other sources of funding' were the strongest responses among most of the groups.
  • 'Don't know what IMLS' role is or should be' ranked strongly in both public libraries and academic libraries.

IMLS Role: Digitization Initiatives in the Museum and Library Communities

Respondents were asked to rank the three most important IMLS roles in terms of the museum and library communities. Figure 42 shows the cumulative ranks for the responses.

Figure 42: Most Important Ways IMLS Can Help the Museum and Library Communities with Digitization Initiatives

Most Important Ways IMLS Can Help the Museum and Library Communities with Digitization Initiatives

  • 'Fund digitization projects' was strong across all groups.
  • Possible roles that deal with promoting standards and identifying best practices and model projects are also strong.
  • The SLAAs' perceptions of IMLS' roles are somewhat different than those of the other groups, though there are variations across all the groups.
Survey Results for State Library Administrative Agencies Appendix: Survey
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Introduction | Executive Summary | Action Reccomendations | Study and Methodology | Survey Results for Museums | Survey Results for Public Libraries | Survey for Academic Libraries | Survey Results for State Library Administrative Agencies | Survey Results for IMLS Roles | Appendix: Survey