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National Native American Organizations

National Congress of American Indian
The National Congress of American Indians is a major national tribal government organization which monitors federal policy and coordinates efforts to inform federal decisions that affect tribal government interests.

United South and Eastern Tribes
United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. (USET) is a non-profit, inter-tribal organization that collectively represents its member Tribes at the regional and national level. USET operates through various workgroups and committees and providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and information amongst Tribes, agencies and governments.

National American Indian Court Judges Association
The Association is primarily devoted to the support of American Indian and Alaska Native justice systems through education, information sharing and advocacy.

National Native American Law Enforcement Association
The Native American Law Enforcement Association serves to promote and foster mutual cooperation between American Indian Law Enforcement Officers/Agents/Personnel, their agencies, tribes, private industry and public.

National Native American Bar Association
The National Native American Bar Association serves as the national association for Native American attorneys, judges, law professors and law students.

National Indian Child Welfare Association
The National Indian Child Welfare Association provides public policy, research, and advocacy; information and training on Indian child welfare; and community development services to a broad national audience including tribal governments and programs, state child welfare agencies, and other organizations, agencies, and professionals interested in the field of Indian child welfare.

Native American Indian Housing Council
The Native American Indian Housing Council assists tribes and tribal housing entities in reaching their self determined goals of providing culturally relevant, decent, safe, sanitary, and quality affordable housing for Native people in Indian communities and Alaska Native villages.

National Indian Gaming Association
The National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) is a non-profit organization representing organizations, tribes and businesses engaged in tribal gaming enterprises from around the country. NIGA operates as a clearinghouse and educational, legislative and public policy resource for tribes, policymakers and the public on Indian gaming issues and tribal community development.

American Indian Heritage Foundation
The American Indian Heritage Foundation was established to provide relief services to Indian people nationwide and to build bridges of understanding and friendship between Indian and non-Indian people.

Native American Sports Council
Through its membership in the U.S. Olympic Committee and its affiliation with selected Olympic Sports Federation, the Native American Sports Council conducts community based multi-sport programs and athlete development programs which enable emerging elite athletes to be identified and developed for national, international and Olympic competition.

Native American Finance Officers Association
The Native American Finance Officers Association is a professional organization dedicated to the improvement of the quality of financial and business management of Native American governments and businesses which will strengthen Tribal sovereignty through sound financial management.

Native American Resources University of Oklahoma Native American Legal Resources
The University of Oklahoma Law Center has provided a comprehensive collection of Native American legal resources, including the American Indian Law Review, Felix Cohen's Handbook on Federal Indian Law, tribal constitutions, tribal codes, and much more.

National Tribal Justice Resource Center
The National Tribal Justice Resource Center is a comprehensive site dedicated to tribal justice systems, personnel and tribal law, providing both technical assistance and resources for the development and enhancement of tribal justice system personnel.

Tribal Court Clearinghouse
The Tribal Court Clearinghouse was developed by the Tribal Law and Policy Institute, an Indian owned and operated non-profit corporation organized to design and develop education, research, training, and technical assistance programs which promote the enhancement of justice in Indian country and the health, well-being, and culture of Native peoples.

National Indian Law Library
The National Indian Law Library is a public law library devoted to federal Indian and tribal law.

OlderIndians.Org provides information about services, research data, and policies important to older Indians and their welfare.

American Indian College Fund
Tribal colleges are fully accredited institutions with the same academic standards as all other colleges and universities. Tribal colleges infuse Native culture throughout the curriculum, promoting students' self-esteem and cultural identity.

American Indian Policy Center
The American Indian Policy Center focuses on research, policy development and education on critical Indian issues, and sponsor two annual forums on significant issues of public policy, from primary education to preservation of treaty rights.

National Tribal Environmental Council
The National Tribal Environmental Council's mission is to enhance each Tribe's ability to protect, preserve and promote the wise management of air, land and water for the benefit of present and future generations.

National Indian Education Association
The National Indian Education Association is committed to increasing educational opportunities and resources for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian students while protecting Native American cultural and linguistic traditions.

International Association of Chiefs of Police – Indian Country Law Enforcement Section

National Native American Law Enforcement Association

Alaska Federation of Natives

Alaska Inter-Tribal Council

Indian Land Tenure Foundation

Inter Tribal Council of Arizona

Inuit Circumpolar Council

National Tribal Child Support Association

Native American Contractors Association

Native American Fish and Wildlife Society

Tanana Chiefs Conference

Council of Large Land Based Tribes

Montana-Wyoming Tribal Leaders Council


Native American Media Outlets

Indianz.Com provides news, information, and entertainment from a Native American perspective. Every weekday, Indianz.Com publishes news on a wide range of topics, including legislation, court decisions, health issues, and politics.

Indian Country Today
Indian Country Today provides news, OpEds, and other information related to a diverse array of Native American issues on a national and local level.

Native American Times
Native American Times provides news coverage that is specifically tailored to the Native American perspective with the understanding of special issues, such as as sovereign rights, civil rights and government-to-government relationships with the federal government.

Pechanga.Net is a comprehensive internet news source for Native American news, covering issues related to politics, gaming, law & justice, health, energy, and much more.

Navajo Times

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