U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Logo
NIH-Wide T35 Funding Opportunity Announcement (PA-08-227)

Contacts, Submission Dates and Special Interests/Instructions
Release Date: August 1, 2008
Expiration Date: January 8, 2010

Awarding Component Scientific/Research
Financial or Grants Management
Institute/Center T35 Application Submission Dates

National Eye Institute (NEI)

Neeraj Agarwal, PhD                 
NEI Training Director
5635 Fishers Lane, Suite 1300
Rockville, MD 20892-9300
Telephone: (301) 451-2020
FAX: (301) 402-0528    

William Darby, Chief
Grants Management Branch   
Division of Extramural Research National Eye Institute                   
5635 Fishers Lane; Suite 1300 
Bethesda, MD 20892-9300    
Telephone: (301) 451-2020
FAX: (301) 496-9997
E-mail: darbyw@nei.nih.gov

May 25

NEI-Specific Information:

NEI supports short-term research training for students in health professional schools.

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Charlotte Pratt, PhD, RD
Division of Prevention and Population Sciences
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
6701 Rockledge Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7936
Tel: 301-435-0382
Fax: 301-480-5158
Email: prattc@nhlbi.nih.gov

Ms. Beckie Chamberlin                  
Sr. Grants Management Specialist National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute  
6701 Rockledge Drive, Rm. 7146 Bethesda, MD 20892-7926 
Telephone: (301) 435-0183
FAX: (301) 451-5462
E-mail: chamberr@nhlbi.nih.gov

January 25

NHLBI-Specific Information:

NHLBI will only accept applications in scientific areas relevant to the NHLBI mission.  For areas of specific interest, please see the NHLBI website, http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/about/org/mission.htm.

NHLBI supports short-term research training for students in health professional schools.

Institutions may request support for at least 4 but not more than 32 students per budget period to pursue research training for 2-3 months on a full-time basis.

National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Chyren Hunter, Ph.D.
Office of Extramural Activities
National Institute on Aging
7201 Wisconsin Avenue, Room 2C218, MSC 9205 Bethesda, MD 20892-9205
Telephone: (301) 496-9322
FAX: (301) 402-0528
Email: BarrR@mail.nih.gov

Ms. Traci Lafferty, NIA
7201 Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 2N-212
Bethesda, MD. 20892
Telephone: (301) 496-1472
FAX: (301) 402-3672
E-mail: lafferT@nia.nih.gov

May 25

NIA-Specific Information:

NIA supports this program for students in health professional schools.  

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Mariela C. Shirley, Ph.D.
Health Scientist Administrator
Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
5635 Fishers Lane, Room 2086 MSC 9304
Bethesda, MD 20892-9304 (Federal Express: Rockville, MD 20852-1705)
Phone: 301-443-9787
Fax: 301-443-8614
Email: shirleym@mail.nih.gov

Debra Carle
Senior Grants Management Specialist
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 
5635 Fishers Lane, Room 3029
MSC 9304
Bethesda, MD 20892
Federal Express: Rockville, MD
Phone: (301) 443-4705
FAX: (301) 443-3891
Email: dcarle@mail.nih.gov

May 25

NIAAA-Specific Information:

NIAAA supports short-term research training for investigators who are active in alcohol research in order to promote the application of new biomedical, behavioral and statistical technologies that advance alcohol research.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Milton J. Hernandez, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Special Populations and Research Training
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
6700B Rockledge Drive, Room 2101
Bethesda, MD 20892
Telephone: (301) 496-3775
FAX: (301) 496-8729
E-mail: mh35c@nih.gov

Ms. Shellie Wilburn
Grants Management Branch, NIAID
6700-B Rockledge Dr., Room 2233
Bethesda, MD 20892-7614
Phone: 301-594-9676
FAX: 301-430-3780
Email: sw270q@nih.gov

September 25

NIAID-Specific Information:

NIAID supports this program for students in health professional schools only at the predoctoral level.

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)

Zeynep Erim, Ph.D.
Program Director
Division of Interdisciplinary Training
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
Democracy II, Suite 200
6707 Democracy Boulevard
Bethesda, MD 20892-5477
Office: (301) 451-4797
Fax: (301) 480-1614  
E-mail: erimz@mail.nih.gov

Florence Turska
Grants Management Specialist
National Inst. of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
Democracy II, Suite 900
6707 Democracy Blvd.  
Bethesda, MD 20892   
Telephone: (301) 451-4782
FAX:  (301) 480-4974
E-mail:  turskaf@mail.nih.gov

January 25, May 25, September 25 (See: NOT-EB-09-002)

NIBIB- Specific Information:

NIBIB uses the T35 mechanism to provide intensive clinical or translational research experiences for predoctoral bioengineering students or short-term training in focused, emerging scientific areas relevant to NIBIB’s scientific mission.  NIBIB discourages current T32 awardees from submitting T35 applications; if applicants choose to apply, they must clearly indicate how the proposed T35 activities differ from the activities supported by their T32 award

Applicants are encouraged to visit the NIBIB website (http://www.nibib.nih.gov/Training) to learn more about this program and other NIBIB research training opportunities.

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)

Daniel S. Sklare, Ph.D.
Research Training Officer
Division of Scientific Programs, NIDCD
Executive Plaza So., Room 400C 
6120 Executive Blvd., MSC-7180
Bethesda, MD 20892-7180
(for courier, zip code is 20852)
Telephone: (301) 496-1804
FAX: (301) 402-6251
E-mail: sklared@nidcd.nih.gov

Mr. Christopher Myers
Grants Management Branch
Division of Extramural Activities, NIDCD
Executive Plaza So., Room 400B 
6120 Executive Blvd., MSC-7180
Bethesda, MD 20892-7180
Telephone: (301) 401-0909
FAX: (301) 402-1758
E-mail: myersc@mail.nih.gov

May 25

NIDCD-Specific Information:

NIDCD utilizes this award mechanism to establish a network of short-term training programs at institutions conducting Federally funded research on hearing to provide students in professional doctoral programs in audiology leading to the Au.D. degree with hands-on exposure to  clinical research or translational research in the hearing sciences.  This traineeship shall involve the conduct of a small-scale research project.  The short-term research experiences provided by this award mechanism are not intended for students enrolled in integrated or sequential Au.D./Ph.D. programs.  This initiative seeks to encourage Au.D. students to develop research career trajectories through pursuing sustained programs of research training and career development in order to advance the state-of-the art in hearing health care services.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)

Dr. Judith Podskalny
Director: Research Training &
Career Development and Digestive Disease Centers Programs
Division of Digestive Diseases
and Nutrition, NIDDK
6707 Democracy Blvd., Room 667
Bethesda, MD 20892-5450
(for courier delivery change zip to
20817 )
Phone: 301-594-8876
FAX: 301-480-8300
Email: jp53s@nih.gov

Ms. Sharon Bourque
Grants Management, NIDDK
6707 Democracy Blvd., Rm. 719
Bethesda, MD 20892
Phone: 301-594-8846
FAX: 301-480-3504
Email: sb114m@nih.gov

January 25
May 25
September 25

NIDDK-Specific Information:

NIDDK supports short-term research training for medical students, typically between the first and second years of medical school.  At least half of the students must be engaged in projects that are directly relevant to NIDDK areas of research interest which include diabetes, endocrinology, metabolic diseases, obesity, nutrition, digestive and liver diseases, and kidney, urologic, and hematologic disorders.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Mimi M. Ghim, Ph.D.
Office of Science Policy and Communications, NIDA
6001 Executive Blvd., Room 5232, MSC 9591
Bethesda, MD 20892
Telephone: (301) 443-6071
FAX: (301) 480-2485
E-mail: ghimm@mail.nih.gov

Catherine Mills
Grants Management Branch
National Institute on Drug Abuse
6101 Executive Boulevard
Suite 270 MSC 8403
Bethesda MD  20892-8403
Telephone: (301) 443-6710
FAX : (301) 594-6847
E-mail: mills@nida.nih.gov

May 25

NIDA-Specific Information:


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

Carol Shreffler, Ph.D.
Program Administrator, Training and Career Development
Division of Extramural Research and Training, NIEHS
P.O. Box 12233
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Telephone: (919) 541-1445 
FAX: (919) 541-5064
E-mail: Shreffl1@niehs.nih.gov

Lerlita Dingle Garcia
Grants Management Specialist
Grants Management Branch Division of Extramural Research and Training, NIEHS  
P.O. Box 12233, MD EC-22,
Room 3446B                    
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Telephone: (919) 316-4638 
FAX: (919) 541-2860 
E-mail: garcia1@niehs.nih.gov

May 25

NIEHS-Specific Information:

NIEHS supports short-term research training for individuals in health professional schools.

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCAAM)

Dr. Partap S. Khalsa
6707 Democracy Blvd., Suite 401
Bethesda, MD 20892
Phone: (301) 594-3462
FAX: (301) 480 3621
Email: pearsonn@mail.nih.gov

George Tucker, M.B.A.
Chief Grants Management Officer
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, NCCAM
6707 Democracy Blvd., Suite 401
Bethesda, MD 20892-5475
Telephone: (301) 594-9102
FAX:  (301) 480-1552
E-mail: tuckerg@mail.nih.gov

January 25
May 25
September 25

NCCAM-Specific Information:

NCCAM supports this program for students in health professional schools.

National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)

Dr. Raymond O'Neill
Division of Comparative Medicine, NCRR, NIH
Room 952, MSC 4874
6701 Democracy Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20892-4874 by US mail
(courier zip code is 20817)
Phone: 301-435-0749
FAX: 301-480-3819
Email: oneillr@mail.nih.gov

Jean Richelsen
Office of Grants Management
National Ctr. For Research Resources
6701 Democracy Blvd. Rm. 1052
Bethesda, MD 20892-4874
Phone: 301-435-0853
FAX: 301-480-3777
Email: richelsj@mail.nih.gov

January 25, May 25, September 25

NCRR-Specific Information:

NCRR supports short-term research training only for veterinary students obtaining their DVM or DMV degree.

Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS)

Dr. Mary Frances Picciano
Senior Nutrition Research Specialist
Office of Dietary Supplements, NIH
6100 Executive Blvd., Rm. 3B01
Bethesda, MD 20892-7517
Phone: 301-435-3608
FAX: 301-480-1845
Email: piccianm@od.nih.gov

Tammy Dickinson
6100 Executive Blvd., Rm. 2B03
Bethesda, MD 20892-7517
Phone: 301-402-2911
FAX: 301-480-7660
Email: dickinst@od.nih.gov

N/A – ODS Does Not Issue Awards

ODS-Specific Information:

ODS does not receive applications, and does not fund applications directly, but provides funds to other ICs to support areas aligned with the mission of ODS.

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