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June 20, 2007
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Rubberstamp Republicans Continue to Blindly Follow President Bush's Misguided Policies

Democrats Fight for Increased Investment in Key Priorities like Education and Health Care


WASHINGTON - House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after House Republicans traveled to the White House today and pledged to once again rubberstamp President Bush's agenda and sustain his vetoes of important investments in America's priorities:

"Republicans lost control of Congress because they blindly followed the President's misguided budget policies that created $3 trillion of debt while failing to adequately invest in America's priorities. Apparently, they didn't learn their lesson, vowing today to sustain the President's veto of critical investments that will make college more affordable, increase access to health care and secure our border.

"President Bush and Congressional Republicans are putting on quite a show, trying to demonstrate a new-found interest in fiscal responsiblity in a transparent attempt to score political points. But, the fact is, they have zero credibility on this issue. Instead, they have an embarrassing record of massive deficits and debt over the last six years.

"Democrats have put forward a fiscally responsible budget that will make modest increases in key priorities while reaching balance in 2012. The bills that the President is threatening to veto increase investment by an amount that is equal to what he spends in only two months in Iraq and represent an increase of only .8% over the President's budget. Clearly, the richest nation in the world can afford to invest in its own future."

Read more about Republicans' record of fiscal irresponsibility.



