The team at Contingency Aero-medical Staging Facility (CASF) in Ramstein, Germany (?) thanks Senator Reid for his support of their mission
The team at Contingency Aero-medical Staging Facility (CASF) in Ramstein, Germany
thanks Senator Reid for his support of their mission

National Security
There is no greater calling than to defend our nation in the armed services.  The freedoms we enjoy on a daily basis are a result of the courageous sacrifices made by the many honorable men and women who are and have served in our Armed Forces.  From the veterans in our communities to the troops currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, we must never forget the contributions they have made to protect our way of life.  Throughout my career in Congress, I have championed legislation that would provide better pay, benefits, equipment, and medical care to all those who have served this nation so honorably.  With our nation at war, and with even more troops becoming veterans and requiring medical care, it is critical that the Congress and the President stand with America’s heroes.

BRAC/National Guard
I have always been a strong supporter of the National Guard and have always fought to ensure that Nevada’s Guardsmen and women have the necessary resources to fulfill their missions.  I have worked hard to make sure that the C 130’s at the Nevada Air National Guard were not realigned to a base in Arkansas.  Several years ago, members of the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission rejected plans from the Department of Defense to realign the Nevada Air National Guard.  I was pleased that the BRAC commission realized the significance of keeping the Nevada Air National Guard base in Reno, as C-130’s are vital for Nevada’s safety.  In addition to their military importance, Nevada relies on these aircraft for Homeland Security operations like fighting wildfires and preparing for potential natural disasters. 

At my request, BRAC Commissioners also visited and observed the work of the Nevada National Guard at the Hawthorne Army Depot.  As a result of their visit, the Commission overturned a previous recommendation by the Pentagon to transfer the C-130’s to Arkansas and close the Depot.  The Commission report that is now law will also mean an expansion of Nellis Air Force base with a gain of nearly 1,400 military and civilian personnel. Additionally, the Fallon Naval Air Station will continue to be considered the Fleet Readiness Center for the West.

The Fiscal Year 2008 Defense budget included over $87 million for Nevada military bases and Nevada-based projects.  I am pleased that these funds will go to our military, our universities, and the state’s private sector, all for the purpose of keeping Nevadans and all Americans safe.  I secured over $14.5 million for projects at Hawthorne Army Depot.  Meanwhile, I am continuing to work with the Hawthorne Army Depot to expand the services and facilities it can offer to other branches of the military.  That will give units like the Navy SEALS and Army Special Forces another potential site for training, and will help increase the military value of the Hawthorne base.  The Nevada National Guard will also receive $12 million for new equipment.  This funding will go a long way towards ensuring that Nevada’s National Guard remains one of the premier Guard organizations in the country.

Our Military At Home
Fallon Naval Air Station – operates and maintains a complete airfield facility to provide visiting squadrons and air wings with ordnance, fuel, air traffic control, berthing and messing, and all other aspects which are necessary for accomplishing the vital training conducted here.  The base is also home to the Naval Fighter Weapons School, better known as TOP GUN.

Hawthorne Army Depot – the largest ammunition storage depot in the country to be used after the first 30 days of a major conflict.  Operated by the Day Zimmerman Hawthorne Corporation for the Army, which acquired the site from the Navy in 1977.  Facilities include 2,427 munitions storage igloos, 75 percent of which are in use; the Western Area Demilitarization Facility, a $68 million, 13 building complex that processes and recycles outdated munitions; and a 700-acre bomb disposal site located 25 miles northeast of Hawthorne.

Nellis Air Force Base – a member of the United States Air Force's Air Combat Command and home of the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center.  With five wings and more than 150 aircraft, the Warfare Center is responsible for advanced combat training, tactics development and operational testing.  The Center also conducts worldwide combat operations with the Predator unmanned aerial vehicle.

Nevada National Guard – homeland security is mission one.   Guard units are highly trained and are ready to respond in times of national crisis or threats of foreign aggression. “At home and abroad, for over 370 years the Guard has supported the war effort.  Nevada units have served and continue to serve with distinction in various foreign wars and as part of peacekeeping operations.   Are transforming for the 21st century to be ready, reliable, essential, and accessible.

Related Press Releases
6/4/09 Reid Welcomes Marine Forces Reserve To Nevada For Important Training
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9/17/08 Reid Set to Deliver Nearly $200 Million to Nevada to Aid Military
8/14/08 Reid: Troops Should Not Have to Foot the Bill for War
4/10/08 Reid: President Remains Committed To Indefinitely Keeping 142,000 Troops In An Endless Iraqi Civil War
3/27/08 Reid: Bush Leaving US Without Plan for Success in Iraq
3/24/08 Reid Statement On 4,000th Military Death In Iraq
3/19/08 Reid Statement On The 5th Anniversary Of The Iraq War
3/18/08 Reid: Going Into War's Sixth Year, Iraq's Leaders Have Yet To Deliver
3/17/08 Reid: Cheney's Current View Of Iraq War Echoes His Previous Mistaken Assessments
2/29/08 Reid: Bush Republicans Again Reject Extension of Surveillance Law
2/26/08 Reid: Democrats Remain Committed To Ending The War In Iraq, Fighting Terrorism, Making America More Secure
2/14/08 Reid: One Year Into Surge, Political Reconciliation In Iraq Remains Out Of Reach
1/9/08 Reid: One Year After President's Announcement Of Surge Strategy, Iraqis Remain No Closer To Political Solution
12/27/07 Reid Statement On The Assassination Of Benazir Bhutto
10/17/07 Reid Praises Senate Banking Committee For Reporting Legislation To Extend Terrorism Risk Insurance Program
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10/1/07 Reid, Ensign Announce More Than $21 Million For Disaster And Emergency Management Training And Response
10/1/07 Reid: Passage Of DOD Bill Keeps Our Promise To Veterans, Support The Troops
9/21/07 Reid: If We Adopt Levin/Reed, Today Can Be First Day Of The End Of The War
9/19/07 Reid: By Blocking Bill Requiring Adequate Time At Home Between Deployments, Republicans Again Fail To Support Our Troops
9/17/07 Reid: While President Clings To Status Quo In Iraq, Democrats Will Work To Change Mission Through Defense Bill
9/17/07 Reid: While President Clings To Status Quo In Iraq, Democrats Will Work To Change Mission Through Defense Bill
7/26/07 Reid: Republicans Must Work With Us To Promptly Complete Defense Spending Bill
7/24/07 Reid: President's Flawed Iraq Strategy Distracts Us From Effectively Fighting An Emboldened Al Qaeda
7/20/07 Reid To Bush: Supporting The Troops Is More Than A Slogan
7/18/07 Reid: Democrats Will Continue Fighting To Make America More Secure Despite Republican Obstructionist Tactics
7/18/07 Reid: Republicans Continue To Block Democrats' Efforts To Change Course In Iraq, Make America More Secure
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7/16/07 Reid, In Letter To McConnell: Allow Up-Or-Down Votes On Bipartisan Efforts To Change Course In Iraq 


Bruce R. Thompson
Courthouse & Federal Bldg
400 S. Virginia St, Suite 902
Reno, NV 89501
Phone: 775-686-5750
Fax: 775-686-5757

Washington DC

522 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3542
Fax: 202-224-7327
Toll Free for Nevadans:
1-866-SEN-REID (736-7343)

Carson City

600 East William St, #302
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-882-REID (7343)
Fax: 775-883-1980

Las Vegas

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Phone: 702-388-5020
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