Department of Health and Human Services logo

Occupational Safety and Health



Modifications to Objectives and Subobjectives

Progress Toward Healthy People 2010 Targets

Progress Toward Elimination of Health Disparities

Opportunities and Challenges

Emerging Issues

Progress Quotient Chart

Disparities Table (See below)

Race and Ethnicity

Gender, Income, and Disability

Objectives and Subobjectives


Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

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Midcourse Review Healthy People 2010 logo
Occupational Safety and Health Focus Area 20

Opportunities and Challenges

Barriers to achieving the occupational safety and health objectives include gaps in scientific knowledge, problems in systematic evaluation of interventions, difficulty in establishing the work-relatedness of some medical conditions, lack of public awareness of prevention measures, and the view that certain preventable conditions are an acceptable risk of employment. Through NIOSH, HHS is addressing these barriers with research, surveillance, prevention and intervention, information and training, and capacity-building programs.

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