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September 14, 2007
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer on Democrats’ Sweeping Lobbying and Ethics Reform Becoming Law

WASHINGTON – House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in response to the Honest Leadership, Open Government Act of 2007, being signed into law by President Bush:


“This landmark legislation not only will usher in sweeping changes in the way that Washington does business, but it demonstrates that Democrats are keeping one of our key promises to the American people - to end the Republican culture of corruption.


“This law will increase transparency in campaign contributions to Members, put an end to the influence peddling K-Street Project, increase public disclosure of lobbyist activities and Member travel and financial records, and deny taxpayer-funded pension benefits to Members convicted of corruption.


“Notably, this bipartisan legislation has received praise from Congress’s toughest critics on ethics, including being lauded as ‘big-time fundamental reforms’ and the most sweeping reform since Watergate.


“Democrats understand that making sure Washington serves the people’s interests and not the special interests is not achieved with the enactment of one law, and we will continue our efforts to ensure the people’s trust in Congress and the integrity of our legislative process.”
