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School Bus Safety Program
This program is committed to reducing school bus-related crashes, injuries, and fatalities through both behavioral programs and vehicle regulations. NHTSA works to educate school bus drivers, students, and other motorists about safe behavior that reduces the risk of being involved in a school bus-related crash.
feature arrow icon NAPT National School Bus Safety Week
feature arrow icon Traffic Safety Facts 2006: School Transportation-Related Crashes
feature arrow icon Use Of Nonconforming Vehicles For School Transportation
feature arrow icon The Number of Persons That Can Safely Sit on a School Bus Seat
feature arrow icon Re-Use of Child Restraint Systems: In School Buses After Minor Crashes
feature arrow icon Getting To School Safely: Community Action Activities Guide
feature arrow icon Best Practices Guides: Reducing Illegal Passing of School Buses
Resource Guides
feature arrow icon Guideline for the Safe Transportation of Pre-school Age Children in School Buses
feature arrow icon Back To School Planner for Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and School Bus Riders
feature arrow icon School Bus Driver In-Service Safety Series
feature arrow icon Kids, The School Bus, and You
feature arrow icon Choosing the Correct School Bus For Transporting Pre-school Age Children
feature arrow icon Proper Use of Child Safety Restraint Systems in School Buses
feature arrow icon School Bus Stops: School buses are the safest way to get to school
feature arrow icon School Bus Crashworthiness Research
feature arrow icon Seat Belts on School Buses
feature arrow icon Pupil Transportation Safety (Highway Safety Program No.17)
feature arrow icon School Bus Safety Assurance Program
Activities for Kids
feature arrow icon Back to School Safely
Related Links
 external link icon Safe Communities
 external link icon National Assn for Pupil Transportation
 external link icon Pupil Transportation Safety Institute
 external link icon National Transportation Safety Board
 external link icon School Transportation News
 external link icon School Bus Information Council
 external link icon National School Transportation Assn
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