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Network Membership

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Members of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine provide health professionals and consumers with access to health information resources and services. Membership in the NN/LM is free of charge. We welcome libraries, information centers, and others who provide access to health information for both health professionals and the general public. Click here for the Network Membership Brochure.

Who are Network Members?

Almost 700 libraries are part of the NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region.

The Pacific Southwest Region of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine includes libraries and information centers in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and the US-Associated Pacific Basin. There are four categories of libraries in the Network.

  1. Regional Medical Library - The UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library serves as the Regional Medical Library for the Pacific Southwest Region. RML staff assists the National Library of Medicine in developing, marketing, and distributing its products and services and coordinates the operation of the regional network of libraries to carry out programs cooperatively. We also provide NLM with feedback on how information is being used, suggestions for improvements to existing products and services, and new ideas for products and services. In all of these areas, we strive to involve other Network libraries and to design programs to facilitate communication at all levels of the Network.
  2. Resource Libraries - The Resource Libraries of the Pacific Southwest Region are the large academic libraries in the region. The Resource Libraries play key roles in their states and/or regions, not only in document delivery and resource sharing, but in developing and managing outreach programs. Resource Libraries typically provide a variety of services to communities outside of their primary clientele.
  3. Primary Access Libraries - Primary Access Libraries include hospital libraries and all other Network member libraries that generally represent the health professional's first point of access into the Network. These libraries serve health professionals who plan, manage, and provide health care as well as teachers and students in these areas.
  4. Other Libraries - There are many other types of libraries included in the Network. Their communities extend beyond health professionals to anyone who has a need for health information. They include public libraries, consumer advocacy groups, correctional facilities, corporate libraries, state libraries, and zoological associations.

Membership Categories

There are two categories of membership within the National Network of Libraries of Medicine: Full Member and Affiliate Member. Both types of membership use the same New Member Application.

1. Full Member

A Full Member can be any health sciences library or health-related information center, institution, or organization that:

  1. Is regularly staffed
  2. Has an Internet connection
  3. Has its own collection of health sciences materials (books, journals, audiovisuals, electronic databases)
  4. Provides information services to health professionals and/or the general public

"Information services" must include DOCLINE participation, and should include the following:

  1. Answering or referring reference questions
  2. Performing literature searches

See DOCLINE Eligibility Guidelines for more information.

Full members are encouraged to provide Loansome Doc service to their own users and/or to unaffiliated users.

2. Affiliate Member

An Affiliate Member is a library or information/resource center that is called on for health information by its users, but which does not meet all of the criteria for Full Member participation. An Affiliate Member might form a cooperative relationship with a Full Member, for example, for reference assistance or document delivery.

Benefits of Network Membership

Each Full Member and Affiliate Member will receive:

  • A certificate, which names the institution as a recognized member of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine,
  • An invitation, on a periodic basis, to provide input to its Regional Medical Library on the region's programs and services, and invitations to apply for various funding opportunities,
  • Access to interlibrary loan services available to the Network,
  • Special mailings of NLM posters, brochures, and other publications,
  • An opportunity for librarians from their institution to be considered for service on the RML's Regional Advisory Committee, and
  • Enrollment on the "PSR-News" Announcement List

Responsibilities of Network Membership

Each Full Member and Affiliate Member institution must agree to make the following contributions:

  • To designate an individual as the local contact person (the NN/LM Liaison) for network information/communications including keeping up-to-date via the "PSR-News" Announcement List,
  • Be listed in the national registry of network members. National registry information is available online through DOCLINE and through the publicly accessible NN/LM Members Directory, and
  • To provide basic information on collections and services to NLM by keeping their DOCLINE record up-to-date.

How to Apply for Network Membership

To apply, please submit the following:
New Member Application:

If you have any questions about applying for network membership, please contact the Pacific Southwest Regional office at 1-800-338-7657.