House Committee on Education and Labor
U.S. House of Representatives

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon
Ranking Member

Fiscally responsible reforms for students, workers and retirees.


Education Issues

Parental Choice

Empowering parents is a key component in the fight to ensure our nation’s children are receiving a quality education. 

Republicans have made great strides to ensure that all parents – not just the wealthy – have an opportunity to make a real choice when it comes to their children’s education.  By expanding parental choice, congressional Republicans also are encouraging competition to provide the highest quality education at all schools – public or private.

Momentum is unquestionably on the side of the parental choice movement.  Under the No Child Left Behind Act, Congress enabled students trapped in underperforming schools to exercise public school choice options and receive supplemental education services, such as private tutoring.  In cities like Cleveland, parental choice programs have been reaffirmed by the Supreme Court.  Congress also has established the first federally-funded school choice program in Washington, D.C. – allowing low-income students to escape one of the most troubled school systems in the nation.

Now, in the 111th Congress, Republicans will aim to continue building on these new options for parents and ensure that all parents have the opportunity to choose what is best for their children's education.

Press Releases

McKeon Highlights Charter School Success Stories, Calls for Key Reforms to Expand and Replicate Innovative Education Models (June 4, 2009)

McKeon Joins in Introducing Bill to Preserve DC Opportunity Scholarships (May 21, 2009)

Education Committee Republicans Mark National Charter Schools Week (May 4, 2009)

Please click here for more Press Releases

Member Views

McKeon op-ed in The Hill: Jeopardized D.C. program shows promise of school-choice (March 17, 2009)

Fact Sheets

The Charter School Program Enhancement Act (June 28, 2007)

Reauthorizing the No Child Left Behind Act: Top Ten House Republican Priorities (June 25, 2007)

The Improving Supplemental Education by Ensuring Parental Awareness Act (May 7, 2007)

Please click here for more Fact Sheets

Dear Colleagues

Cosponsor House Resolution Recognizing the 10th Annual National Charter School Week: "Promoting Innovation and Excellence" (April 22, 2009)

Washington Post: “Ending D.C. school vouchers would dash the best hopes of hundreds of children.” (March 2, 2009)

“Hopefully Congress will focus on the kids, not the politics…” (June 11, 2008)

Please click here for more Dear Colleagues

Left Turns

Motives Revealed: Special Interest Threats Behind Plan to Tear Scholarships from Low-Income Children (March 19, 2009)

Committee Statements

McKeon Statement: Hearing on “Building on What Works at Charter Schools” (June 4, 2009)

Keller Statement: Hearing on "Workforce Investment Act: Recommendations to Improve the Effectiveness of Job Training" (June 28, 2007)