House Committee on Education and Labor
U.S. House of Representatives

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon
Ranking Member

Fiscally responsible reforms for students, workers and retirees.



Press Release

July 17, 2009

CONTACT: Alexa Marrero
(202) 225-4527

GOP: If It’s Good Enough for the American People, It’s Good Enough for Congress
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) Offers Amendment that Calls On Members of Congress & Administration Officials Who Support Government-Run Health Care to Adopt the System for Themselves

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Republicans are presenting a united front against the Democrats’ plan to allow a government takeover of our nation’s health care system, fighting to ensure Americans who like their current coverage can keep it. In an effort to ensure Democrats do not impose a flawed health care system on the American people that they themselves would not be willing to accept, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) is proposing an amendment that would press senior Administration officials as well as Members of Congress who vote to create a government-run health care plan to set aside their current benefits and enroll in that newly created system. 

“Despite the cost to taxpayers and the bureaucratic maze that will be part of a government-controlled health care plan, if Members of Congress and the Administration are still confident in the quality and flexibility of care they claim will come with this public plan then they should lead the way by enrolling in it. This amendment will give our colleagues an opportunity to tell the American people if they believe a government takeover of their health care is the best they can do,” said Wilson.

“There shouldn’t be a double standard when it comes to health care. If a Member of Congress is willing to vote for a government-run plan, that Member should enroll in the government-run plan,” said Rep. John Kline (R-MN), the committee’s top Republican. “The votes on this amendment will tell us quickly whether Democrats are truly willing to stand up for the government plan they’re preparing to foist upon the American people.” 

The Wilson amendment would insert a Sense of Congress into the Democrats’ health care legislation that urges senior Administration officials and those Members of Congress who vote for a public plan to forgo their existing health care coverage under the Federal Employee Health Benefit program in favor of this new government-run system.

The Education and Labor Committee is one of three panels simultaneously voting on the Democrats’ radical health care overhaul this week as their party’s leaders try to meet an arbitrary deadline that would rush the legislation through the full U.S. House of Representatives before the end of this month.

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