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Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS)

NSSDC ID: 1977-076A-04
Mission Name: Voyager 2
Principal Investigator: Dr. A. Lyle Broadfoot


The UV spectrometer was designed to measure atmospheric properties and measured radiation in the wavelength range 0.04 to 0.16 micrometer (400 to 1600 A). Two modes of instrument operation were planned: airglow and occultation. In the airglow mode, the atmospheric radiation was measured. This radiation is predominantly resonance-scattered solar radiation, where the scattering is by the molecular or atomic atmospheric constituents, such as hydrogen (1216 A) or helium (584 A). In the occultation mode, sunlight was reflected into the spectrometer, and the solar spectrum was recorded. As the atmosphere moved between the spacecraft and the sun, the absorption characteristics of the atmosphere were obtained over the measured wavelength region. The absorption spectrum was used to identify the absorber as well as to measure its abundance in the line of sight to the sun. In addition, the atmosphere's thermal structure could be inferred.

Facts in Brief

Mass: 4.5 kg
Power (avg): 3.5 W

Funding Agency

  • NASA-Office of Space Science (United States)


  • Astronomy: Ultraviolet
  • Planetary Science: Atmospheres

Additional Information

Questions or comments about this experiment can be directed to: Dr. Edwin V. Bell, II.



Name Role Original Affiliation E-mail
Dr. A. Lyle Broadfoot Principal Investigator University of Southern California
Dr. Michael J.S. Belton Co-Investigator Kitt Peak National Observatory
Dr. H. Warren Moos Co-Investigator Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Michael B. McElroy Co-Investigator Harvard University
Prof. Thomas M. Donahue Co-Investigator University of Michigan
Prof. Jacques E. Blamont Co-Investigator CNRS, Service d'Aeronomie  
Dr. Richard M. Goody Co-Investigator Harvard University
Prof. Alexander Dalgarno Co-Investigator Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Dr. Jean-Loup C. Bertaux Co-Investigator CNRS, Service d'Aeronomie
Dr. John C. McConnell Co-Investigator York University
Dr. Bill Roy Sandel Co-Investigator University of Southern California
Dr. Darrell F. Strobel Co-Investigator US Naval Research Laboratory
Prof. Sushil K. Atreya Co-Investigator University of Michigan
Dr. Donald E. Shemansky Co-Investigator University of Arizona  

Selected References

Broadfoot, A. L., et al., Overview of the Voyager ultraviolet spectrometry results through Jupiter encounter, J. Geophys. Res., 86, No. A10, 8259-8284, Sept. 1981.

Broadfoot, A. L., et al., Ultraviolet spectrometer observations of Uranus, Science, 233, No. 4759, 74-79, July 1986.

Broadfoot, A. L., et al., Ultraviolet spectrometer observations of Neptune and Triton, Science, 246, No. 4936, 1459-1466, Dec. 1989.

Broadfoot, A. L., et al., Ultraviolet spectrometer experiment for the Voyager mission, Space Sci. Rev., 21, No. 2, 183-205, Nov. 1977.

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