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Emergency Preparedness and Response in the Pacific Northwest Region

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To help mitigate the impact of disasters on healthcare providers and their patients, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) has developed and oversees an emergency preparedness and response plan to help Network members maintain their information services in the event of a disaster.

1-800-DEV-ROKS (1-800-338-7657) is the toll-free NN/LM Emergency Assistance Number and will connect you to the Pacific Northwest Regional Medical Library. Call this number whenever disaster strikes and your local resources/plans are unable to keep your core services available, so we can help implement the response plan!

A 10-Step Approach to Service Continuity Planning

The main focus of the NN/LM Emergency Preparedness and Response plan is Service Continuity. In other words, planning to continue your library's services should you experience a disruption due to an emergency incident.

Start with dowloading the 10 Steps to Service Continuity Template and filling in the blanks.

You can also watch the recordings of the series of webcasts we are offering to cover each of the 10 Steps to Service Continuity once a month, led by each of the State Emergency Planning Coordinators:

Step 1: Risk Assessment - led by Gail Kouame on June 9, 2009 -

Step 2: Protect Yourself, Your Staff and Your Patrons - led by Laurel Egan in Montana on July 14, 2009 -

Upcoming webcasts (all will be at 1pm Pacific)

Step 3: Determine Your Core Services - led by Kathy Murray in Alaska on August 11, 2009

Step 4: Create Procedures For Remote Access to Core Services - led by Dolores Judkins in Oregon on September 8, 2009

Step 5: Determine Your Core Electronic Resources - led by Marcia Francis in Idaho on October 13, 2009

Step 6: Develop a Continuity of Access Plan for Your Essential Electronic Resources - led by Kathy Murray in Alaska on November 10, 2009

Step 7: Identify Your Core Print Collection - led by Laurel Egan in Montana on December 8, 2009

Step 8: Identify Your Unique Resources - led by Dolores Judkins in Oregon on January 12, 2010

Step 9: Proactively Plan for Recovery of Your Unique Resources - led by Bob Pringle in Washington on February 9, 2010

Step 10: Know How to Obtain Outside Help - led by Bob Pringle in Washington on March 9, 2010

Alternatively, you can watch a recording of a the February 18th 2009 RML Rendezvous in Adobe Connect presented by Dan Wilson, NN/LM's Emergency Preparedness Project Manager.

NN/LM Emergency Response & Preparedness Toolkit

Start here to find information about service continuity planning, creating a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), disaster plan templates, and much more.

Gail Kouame, Consumer Health Coordinator, is the contact person in the Pacific Northwest Regional Medical Library for emergency preparedness and response. We also have State Coordinators who will also assume roles within their respective states - these coordinators are listed below.

State Emergency Planning Coordinators

Office of Emergency Management Contact Information by State

Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
P.O. Box 5750
Fort Richardson, AK 99505-5750
Phone: (907) 428-7000
Fax: (907) 428-7009
E-mail: dhs&

Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security
4040 Guard Street, Building 600
Boise, ID 83705-5004
(208) 422-3040 Main Office
(208) 422-3044 Fax

Montana Disaster & Emergency Services
Monique Lay
Telephone: (406) 841-3911

Oregon Emergency Management
Department of State Police
PO Box 14370
Salem, Oregon 97309-5062
(503) 378-2911
(503) 373-7833 FAX

State of Washington Emergency Management Division
Building 20, M/S: TA-20
Camp Murray, Washington 98430-5122
(253) 512-7000
(253) 512-7200 FAX
Main Switchboard 1-800-562-6108
More Contact Information

Training Opportunities

Western States and Territories Preservation Assistance Service is a regional library and archives preservation service new in 2007. Its initial goal is to deliver education and training workshops on disaster preparedness, response, and collection salvage to staff of libraries and archives in 14 participating states and territories. Disaster Assistance consultation is available by calling 888-905-7737.

Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Training
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills.

Disaster Preparation Resources

American Red Cross Business & Industry Guide - preparing any business for the unthinkable.
Disaster Mitigation Planning Assistance Website - search for resources by state, see sample plans, and more.
Disaster Planning, Emergency Preparedness, and Business Continuity - links to a Word document from the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York.
Disaster Response: A Selected Annotated Bibliography and much more from the American Library Association. A resource for libraries of all sizes and types.
Selected National Library of Medicine Resources for Disaster Preparedness and Response (pdf) - links and information about many different NLM resources.
Special Populations: Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

Disaster Recovery Companies

Belfor USA

Pacific Northwest Disasters

As part of your planning process, we are asking you to consider preparing for various types of hazards that can occur in the Pacific Northwest. Some examples include avalanche, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, chemical or radiological release, urban fires, pipeline failure, and dam failure. Refer to your state's Emergency Management Office for further information.

What You Can Do

The effectiveness of the plan depends on the participation of a range of players, from individual Network members, through the eight Regional Medical Library (RML) offices, to the National Library of Medicine (NLM). The structure is designed to provide a game plan that starts with preparedness and continues through emergency response.

Initially, the plan will focus on hospital and academic medical center libraries to assist them to develop emergency response/disaster plans suitable to their environments. The RML will also facilitate having Network member libraries establish back-up relationships with libraries who can help maintain services during a disaster. Participating libraries are strongly encouraged to develop a Memorandum of Understanding with their back-up library that specifies what services will be provided and how the relationship will function.

Emergency response planning presents a strategy for communicating among Network members and the RML office before and during and emergency. There are strategies for providing essential services among Network members (based on the preparedness plans), as well as assigning responsibility for follow-up and reporting of each incident or emergency.

Resources that support all aspects of this plan are linked from the Emergency Preparedness and Response Toolkit.