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Workplace Substance Abuse Safety and Health Topics
Workplace Substance Abuse

In Focus
The vast majority of drug users are employed, and when they arrive for work, they don't leave their problems at the door. Of the 17.2 million illicit drug users aged 18 or older in 2005, 12.9 million (74.8 percent) were employed either full or part time. Furthermore, research indicates that between 10 and 20 percent of the nation's workers who die on the job test positive for alcohol or other drugs. In fact, industries with the highest rates of drug use are the same as those at a high risk for occupational injuries, such as construction, mining, manufacturing and wholesale.

OSHA recognizes that impairment by drug or alcohol use can constitute an avoidable workplace hazard and that drug-free workplace programs can help improve worker safety and health and add value to American businesses. OSHA strongly supports comprehensive drug-free workforce programs, especially within certain workplace environments, such as those involving safety-sensitive duties like operating machinery.

A comprehensive drug-free workforce approach includes five components—a policy, supervisor training, employee education, employee assistance, and drug testing. Such programs, especially when drug testing is included, must be reasonable and take into consideration employee rights to privacy.

OSHA understands that many workers with substance abuse problems can be returned safely to the workplace provided they have access to appropriate treatment, continuing care and supportive services.

Although not required by OSHA, drug-free workplace programs are natural compliments to other initiatives that help ensure safe and healthy workplaces and add value to America’s businesses and communities.

OSHA works closely with the US Department of Labor’s Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace program to help employers ensure their health and safety plans are enhanced through workplace drug prevention. In particular, OSHA and Working Partners strive to raise awareness about the impact drugs and alcohol have on the workplace and provide information on how to establish drug-free workplace programs. A particular focus is placed on small businesses, since they are less likely than their larger counterparts to have mechanisms in place to prevent workplace substance abuse—despite being more likely to suffer from its negative impact.

Also, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Division of Workplace Programs provides guidance for employers on workplace drug-testing issues, and its website provides a range of information about workplace wellness issues, including drugs and alcohol.

The following questions link to resources that may help employers in their efforts to prevent workplace substance abuse.

OSHA Standards What OSHA standards apply?
Small Businesses How can small businesses effectively address the substance abuse issue in the workplace?
Drug-Free Workplace What components are included in a drug-free workplace program?
State and Territory Resources What state and territory resources are available to assist with drug-free workplace programs?
Laws & Regulations What federal and state laws and regulations may impact drug-free workplace programs?
Training & Educational Materials Are materials available to help train supervisors and educate employees?
Substance Abuse Basics What basic information is available about addiction, treatment, and recovery?
Helplines for Employees Where can I find help for someone who may have a problem with drugs?

In Focus
News Releases Hot Topics
  • Drug Free Work Week 2007 Set for October 14-20. US Department of Labor/ Working Partners for an Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace. Announces public awareness campaign intended to highlight the fact that being drug free is key to protecting workplace safety and health and to encourage workers with alcohol and drug problems to seek help.
 Safety and
 Health Topics
  Workplace Substance Abuse
  OSHA Standards
  Small Businesses
  Drug-Free Workplace
  State and Territory Resources
  Laws & Regulations
  Training & Educational Materials
  Substance Abuse Basics
  Helplines for Employees
Content Reviewed 07/02/2007

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Page last updated: 05/26/2009