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Computer Workstations Safety and Health Topics
Computer Workstations

In Focus
The application of computer technology and the accompanying use of video display terminals (VDTs) are revolutionizing the workplaces of America. In 1984, only 25 percent of the US population used computers at work; in 1993, this increased to 45 percent, and the number continues to grow. Also, more than 18 million workers are in jobs that often require intensive keying. Along with this expanding use of VDTs have come reports of adverse health effects to VDT operators.

The following questions link to information relevant to computer workstations in the workplace.

OSHA Standards What OSHA standards apply?
Standards | Standard Interpretations
Hazards and Solutions What are some examples of hazards and possible solutions?
Hazard Recognition | Possible Solutions
Additional Information What additional information is available?
Related Safety and Health Topics Pages | Other Resources

In Focus
Computer WorkstationseTools
  • Computer Workstations. OSHA. Offers a graphical menu to identify hazards and ergonomic controls for computer workstations.

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  Computer Workstations
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  Hazards and Solutions
Content Reviewed 08/29/2007

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Occupational Safety & Health Administrations
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Page last updated: 08/30/2007