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NN/LM NER Regional Advisory Council Members

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The Regional Advisory Council advises NN/LM—NER on all program areas and assists in the evaluation of program areas. The RAC and its entities provide feedback on current trends and issues facing libraries and assist in identifying opportunities for collaboration and outreach throughout the region.

Subcommittees, Working Groups, and Task Forces:

  • Standing subcommittees are ongoing groups with a specific charge.
  • Working groups may be convened a limited number of times throughout the contract period; their work is episodic.
  • Task Forces will be convened to address specific areas of the RML Statement of Work.


Consumer Health Advisory Subcommittee
The Consumer Health Advisory Subcommittee identifies potential areas of consumer health outreach and reviewd courses under development by the Consumer Health Information Coordinator.

Cheryl Bryan
Southeastern Massachusetts Regional Library System
Lakeville, MA
Alberta Richetelle
UCONN Healthnet
Farmington, CT
Janet Eckert
Western MA Regional Library System
Whately, MA
Mary Ann Slocomb
Lifespan Libraries, Rhode Island Hospital
Providence, RI
Amy Frey
Hospital for Special Care
New Britain, CT
Cindy Stewart
Dartmouth College
Lebanon, NH
Alan Lampson
Frymoyer Community Health Resource Center of Fletcher Allen Health Care
Burlington, VT
Julie Whelan
Countway Library, Harvard
Boston, MA
Linda Oliver
Curtis Memorial Library
Brunswick, ME

Hospital Library Subcommittee
The Hospital Library Subcommittee informd the RML on issues related to the status of hospital libraries in the region. The subcommittee’s charge is to inform the NN/LM-NER of ongoing hospital library concerns and to explore strategies which promote the value of health science libraries within health care institutions.

Margo Coletti
Shirley Gronholm
Hartford Hospital
Denise Corless
Caritas Norwood Hospital
Mimi Guessferd
Parkland Medical Center
Deb Clark
Stephens Memorial Hospital
Sheila Hayes
Portsmouth Regional Hospital
Barbara Davis
Newport Hospital
Betsy Merrill
Northeastern VT Regional Hospital
Anne Fladger
Brigham & Women’s Hospital

Resource Library Directors
Resource Library Directors are an advisory group convened to for periodic updates and discussion of ongoing concerns of academic medical institutions

Eric Albright
Tufts University
Richard Kaplan
Mass College of Pharmacy
Wanda Anderson (liaison)
Boston College
Kenny Marone
Yale University
Marianne Burke
University of Vermont
Alexa McCray
Harvard University
Fran Becker
Baystate Medical Center
Evelyn Breck Morgen
University of Connecticut
Janet Cowen
Maine Medical Center
Tovah Reis
Brown University
Mary Blanchard
Boston Universtiy
Mary Ann Slocomb
Rhode Island Hospital
William Garrity
Dartmouth Colleg
Elizabeth Schneider
Massachusetts General Hospital
Shirley Gronholm
Hartford Hospital

Working Groups

Resource Sharing
Resource Library Directors are considered advisory group convened to for periodic updates and discussion of ongoing concerns of academic medical institutions

Mary Angelotti
Yale University
Frances Foret
Tufts University
Ron Chabot
Dartmouth College
Bart Hollingsworth
Brown University
Janet Cowen
Maine Medical Center

Training and Education:
Will assist in Training and Education Assessment; provide guidance on Training and Education Program and the development of the proposed Winter Series

Cynthia Arnold
Midcoast Hospital
Alison Clapp
Children’s Hospital
Janene Batten
Yale University
Linda Spadaccini
Waterbury Hospital
Ellen Burchill Brassil
New Britain General Hosptial

Task Forces

Emergency Preparedness Task Force:
Will assist NER in developing and implementing a regional emergency preparedness plan as advised or dictated in the NEPP developed by NLM

Donna Beales
Lowell General Hospital
Barabara Davis
Newport Hospital
Sarah Burge
Yale University
Claire LaForce
Rutland Regional Medical Center

Historical Collections Task Force:
Will assist NER in identifying unique historical collections that are held by non-member libraries but are of some significance to the history of medicine.

Marjorie Anderson
Mercy Hospital, Maine
Patty Kahn
Penbay Medical Center
Toby Appel
Yale University
Dr. Richard Kahn
Penbay Medical Center
Emily Beattie
Boston University
Jocelyn Leadbetter
Maine Medical Center
Angie Chapple-Sokol
University of Vermont
Ellen More
University of MA Medical School
K Kathryn Hammond Baker
Harvard Medical School
Nancy Ross
Women and Infants Hospital, RI
Joseph Harzbecker
Boston University
Lorna Wright
UConn Health Center