VIDEO: Top Democrat Admits Government-Run Health Care Plan Would Lead to Single-Payer Health Care System

Posted by Kevin Boland on July 30th, 2009

Democrats have long pushed for a single-payer health care system - but have repeatedly denied that the “public option,” their euphemism for the government-run health care plan that is the centerpiece of the their $1.5 trillion health care bill, will inevitably lead to a government-controlled health care system similar to those in Canada and the United Kingdom. 

In a newly unearthed video, however, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) candidly admits that the entire point of the “public option” is to force tens of millions of Americans off their private insurance plans and onto the government rolls.  When confronted by a supporter of the single-payer system, Rep. Frank is blunt in his assessment of the so-called “public option,” stating that “if we get a good public option, it could lead to single-payer, and that’s the best way to lead to single-payer.”

As Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has pointed out, “[t]he ‘public option’ isn’t honest.  It is designed to make private insurers go away.”  Americans want health care reform - and House Republicans agree - but a government takeover of the health care system isn’t the answer. 

There’s a better way to reform the best health care system in the world.  House Republicans have a plan that will reduce costs, expand access and increase the quality of care in a way we can afford - without raising taxes on small businesses or middle class or putting the federal government in control of Americans’ health care.  To read more about House Republicans’ plan, click HERE.

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4 Responses to “VIDEO: Top Democrat Admits Government-Run Health Care Plan Would Lead to Single-Payer Health Care System”

  1. Julie Says:

    I do not want a government take-over of our health care! NO!
    Obama is the most selfish person on Earth to “force” millions of American’s out of the health care plan they have, and like, just to cover the very “few”!

    Only those “few” should be addressed, not everyone! Keep your hands OFF my health care!

    Also… not expect citizens to accept giving full heath care coverage to illegal aliens at our expense! Illegal aliens should not be allowed to have the same full coverage as law-abiding U.S. Citizens! That is telling potential illegal’s that “if you can get here anyway you can” you’ll receive full Medicare, including non-essential, non-emergency free coverage at U.S Citizens expense. NO WAY!
    That is a huge magnet that will only increase more illegal immigration & law breaking.

    There must be a specific amendment added to the Bill that requires applicants to show proof of citizenship.

    Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.) offered an amendment to the House Energy and Commerce Committee this morning that would explicitly prohibit illegal aliens from receiving health care benefits under the health care reform bill (H.R. 3200). The amendment was narrowly defeated 28-to-29 after two Blue Dog Democrats on the committee voted against the amendment.


  2. Thank God Obama’s President | | The Future of the Republican Party Says:

    […] Oregon-style encouraged euthanasia on the whole nation is like playing with fire. And yet, those closest to the negotiations make a liar out of Obama every time they admit that the Democrats are in fact […]

  3. We ThePeople Says:

    If this new gun law is voted for…you WILL be sorry!!I demand you stick to the Constitution and 2nd Amendment…can you hear me??? You WILL eventually!

    To all Senators and Representatives (Democrat or Republican)

    1.STOP the vote on Healthcare(Period).Unless we the people get the same as Congress
    2.Cancel the C.A.R.S. Program
    3.STOP the Caps and Trade Bill
    4.Quit calling True Patriots “Republican Mobs”
    5.Give The People back their $800 Billion dollars
    6.Create a Bill that would diminish the size of Congress and Government by 25% within (2) years
    7.Read the Constitution and re-administer your Oath of Office(Actually meaning it this time)
    8.Deport all of the Illegal Mexicans (NOW)
    9. Solidly Close the Border (NOW, Specifically Southern)
    10.Eliminate ALL Lobbyist immediately!(Use you own monies to campaign)
    11.Create a Bill to balance the Budget (If you cant pay for it don’t pass it)
    12.No MORE secret meeting or votes(make it a Law)
    13.(1)Bill=(1) Law=(1)Vote (No more add on bills and Pork (Make this a Law also)
    14. Fire ALL the Czars (They are for Dictators,and We don’t have any in the USA
    15.Any raise to members of Congress salary or benefits shall be voted on in a General ballot.
    16. Eliminate all and any Laws created concerning the ownership of any weapon by a United States Citizen,as no laws will be made to control these according to the U.S.Constitution (Each State will determine the lawfulness (and stitutionality) of gun control concerning mental incompetence and criminals.
    17.ACORN has to go (immediately!)

    Signed__We the People_of the United States of America____

  4. Justin Says:

    I find it interesting how little he has to repeat, citing a lack of votes for a single payer health care option when the national voice clearly calls for it. That is if you can make it out over Freedom Works and other such related lobbyist funding organizations orchestrated demonstrations rabble rousing for the purpose of forced silence in town hall meetings.

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