Boehner Web Video: “I’m Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV”

Posted by Kevin Boland on August 4th, 2009

Yesterday, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) released a web video, adapting the old joke “I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV,” to President Obama’s proposed government takeover of health care.   

Leader Boehner said of the video: “This is a lighthearted video, but it underscores a serious point that Congressional Democrats are going to hear throughout August as they travel outside of Washington: Americans want lower health care costs not a trillion-dollar government takeover of health care that increases costs and lets Washington bureaucrats make decisions that should be made by doctors and patients.”

To read about House Republicans’ better solutions to strengthening America’s health care, click HERE.

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Video: Mr. Boehner Goes to Washington

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on July 8th, 2009

Courtesy of Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) and the House Republican Conference:

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Fox News Highlights Boehner Web Video Featuring Ellie Mae the Job-Sniffing GOP Bloodhound

Posted by Kevin Boland on July 3rd, 2009

Last night Fox News’ “Special Report with Bret Baier” highlighted a web video released yesterday by House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) about jobs and the Democrats’ trillion-dollar “stimulus.”

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Boehner, Westmoreland Unveil “Bloodhounds” Video Asking: Where Are the Jobs?

Posted by Kevin Boland on July 3rd, 2009

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) yesterday released a new web video targeting Washington Democrats’ trillion-dollar “stimulus” bill and asking “where are the jobs?” The tongue-in-cheek web video, inspired by a classic 1984 TV commercial by now-Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), features a job-sniffing GOP bloodhound named Ellie Mae and a down-home voiceover by Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA).

“This is a lighthearted web video, but the underlying point is no laughing matter,” Leader Boehner said.  “At a time when Americans are looking to Washington for leadership, the trillion-dollar ‘stimulus’ isn’t working.  Americans were promised the ‘stimulus’ would keep the unemployment rate from going above eight percent.  It’s now at 9.5 percent, and rising.  Where are the jobs?”

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Congress Comes to YouTube (again)…But it Almost Didn’t Happen

Posted by Nick on January 12th, 2009

Today marks the launch of a new collaborative effort between The U.S. Congress and  The House Hub and Senate Hub have been developed to make it easier for visitors to find their elected officials and their YouTube channels.  YouTube and other popular technologies continue to empower American citizens with real-time information about the policy debates and actions being undertaken by Congress.

As we see more and more members from both sides of the aisle embrace web video and social media, it’s easy to forget that only a few months ago Democrats on the House Administration Committee were proposing rules that would have brought this free flow of information to a screeching halt.  The proposed rules, including an “approved list” of websites that could be used by members of Congress, would have amounted to new government censorship of the Internet by a panel of federal officials that is neither neutral or independent.

Using the very tools Democrats proposed to restrict, citizens spoke out in the thousands.  Thankfully, House Republicans, led by Reps. Vern Ehlers (R-MI), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and Tom Price (R-GA), and supported strongly by Rep. John Culberson (R-TX) and Leader Boehner, expressed their strong opposition to this attack on Internet freedom and proposed an alternative solution that would allow Members of Congress to continue posting content at sites of their choosing.  House Republicans’ recommendations were eventually adopted by the Committee on House Administration.

House Republicans will continue fight to increase transparency and openness in government using technology and any other means at our disposal.  If you have any thoughts on how we can better achieve these goals, let us know in the comments or as a video response to Leader Boehner’s welcome video below.

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12-10-08 Republican Leadership Stakeout

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on December 10th, 2008

Republican Leader John Boehner and Conference Chairman Rep. Mike Pence discuss the House GOP no-bailout alternative for the American Auto industry.

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Video: 10-3-08 House Republican Leadership Stakeout

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on October 3rd, 2008

Thanks to

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Video: Republicans Work Through Demcorats’ Five-Week Break

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on September 9th, 2008

New from the House Republican Conference:

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Video: 8-20 GOP Uprising Press Conference

Posted by Nick on August 20th, 2008

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Video: KLITV talks Pelosi, gas prices, and Congress

Posted by Nick on August 14th, 2008

h/t to Redstate and Dontgo Movement

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