CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
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cure epilepsy

Personal Stories

Hear from the people affected by epilepsy...

A Daughter's Story A Daughter's Story
My introduction to epilepsy didn’t come from a fall on the bathroom floor, or an inability to move or speak. It began with one terrifying phone call.
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Gianna's Story Gianna's Story
On February 25, 2002 our little five-pound miracle Gianna Cecelia was born. Arriving four weeks early and the lone survivor of triplets, our beautiful angel brought us the true happiness that every parent prays for.
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Amanda's Story Amanda's Story
The thing I remember most about Amanda’s epilepsy diagnosis is stepping outside the hospital doors one blue-skied summer day, looking up at the clouds, and saying “Thank you, God” for only being epilepsy.
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Stacy's Story Stacy's Story
For the rest of our lives, we will never forget February 2, 1999. It’s a day that forever changed our lives. While getting ready for work that morning, we heard Stacy cry out. We went to her crib and found her limp and moaning.
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Gen's Story Gen's Story
If you are reading this, it is probably because someone you love suffers from seizures. I am writing this because on June 22, 2007, I lost my beautiful nineteen-year-old daughter Generose as the result of a seizure.
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Charlie's Story Charlie's Story
For me, the hardest part of Charlie’s seizures was seeing his eyes. You don’t hear much about the eyes. One minute they were bright, smiley, clear. A split second later, they were dull, unfocused . . . dead.
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Adam's Story Adam's Story
As Adam napped peacefully after a trip to the doctor for a low fever, I went for a run, unaware of how our lives were about to change. When I returned, I heard my husband’s frantic voice say to the dispatcher, “Ok, he’s breathing now.” That was Adam’s first seizure.
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Susan's Story Susan's Story
The morning after my only child Matthew was born, I had a stroke. To save my life, doctors performed emergency brain surgery. I thought my stroke was horrific. However, nothing could have prepared me for the horror I would experience next.
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Elizabeth's Story Elizabeth's Story
I awoke feeling so proud on Elizabeth's 16th birthday. Despite being born severely disabled from CMV, a virus I caught when I was pregnant with her, she had made it to her Sweet 16—surviving many life-threatening battles along the way.
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Evan's Story Evan's Story
At 15 months, our son Evan was a typical child. He was happy, and seemed to be developing just like his twin brother, Henry. Suddenly, that all changed.
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Michael's Story Michael's Story
Before the age of two, Michael was developing normally. He was a happy, healthy toddler who was meeting and exceeding all developmental milestones. However, on February 4, 1996, when he was 22 months old, we entered the worlds of epilepsy and special needs.
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Rebecca's Story Rebecca's Story
The other night at dinner, our 10-year-old daughter, Rebecca, had what we think was her 10,000th epileptic seizure. It was a split-second drop seizure, which sucked the air out of her body and sent her head crashing face first into her plate of pasta...
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Lauren's Story Lauren's Story
Far away from here, in another part of the country, lives a beautiful young lady who lights up a room with her smile and personality, despite the impact epilepsy’s had on her life over the past 25 years...
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Julie's Story Julie's Story
Julie has had seizures at the Milwaukee Zoo. She’s had seizures at Disney World. She’s had seizures while we were driving at 65 mph down the Edens Expressway in Chicago. She had a seizure during her brother’s Bar Mitzvah, and at more Passover dinners than I care to remember.
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Chris Chris' Story
Our son, Chris, was a senior in college, ten weeks shy of graduation. He was on the Dean’s List. His passion was baseball. Always there for his friends and family, Chris was generous and thoughtful. But, beneath his upbeat demeanor, Chris struggled each and every day of his life with the impacts of epilepsy.
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Savannah A Mother's Search for a Cure
According to my records, I’ve witnessed 18,737 seizures—a remarkable number even for a medical professional. But I’m not a doctor. I’m a mom. I remember the first seizure vividly. I awoke to the sound of choking coming from the room of my two-year-old daughter, Savannah.
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  Click here to listen to those with epilepsy and their families talk about how they have been impacted.



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