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Turner - Page 1

NDAA Mark - Rep. Mike Turner Amendment to Restore $500 Million for U.S. Missile Defense in Europe (6/19/2009)

The amendment offered by Rep. Turner would ensure that $500 million in Missile Defense Agency funding be available for the deployment of a long-range missile defense system in Europe.

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Franks Amendment - Page 1

NDAA Mark - Rep. Trent Franks Amendment to Restore $1.2 Billion to Missile Defense (6/16/2009) During Armed Services Committee consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) offered the following amendment to restore $1.2 billion to national missile defense.  The amendment failed by a vote of 26-36.

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Wilson - 1

NDAA Mark - Rep. Wilson Amendment on Benefits Promised to Military Personnel, Their Families, Retirees, and Veterans (6/16/2009)

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), the Ranking Member of the Military Personnel Subcommittee, offered an amendment that would eliminate the “Widow’s Tax”, provide for concurrent receipt of retirement pay and VA disability benefits, and extended TRICARE to Guard and Reserve members who are already receiving early retirement. 







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Turner - Page 1

NDAA Mark - Rep. Mike Turner Amendment to Restore $120 Million for Missile Defense (6/16/2009)

During consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) offered an amendment to establish a policy of the United States to continue fielding a national missle defense system to protect the homeland of the United States against near-term and increasing long-range ballistic missile threats posed by rogue nations such as North Korea, as well as theater missile defenses to protect our forward-deployed forces and allies, but neither should come at the expense of the other.

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Reid Resignation Letter (4/25/2007) Ranking Member Hunter's signed letter to Senator Harry Reid, calling for him to step down as Senate Majority Leader.
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