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General-Purpose Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Diffractometer (CG-2)

    CG-2 Fact sheet (pdf)
Beam Spectrum:   Cold
Monochromators:   Helical slot selector
Incident wavelength:   4 < lamda < 30 Å
Resolution Range:   Δlamda/lamda 0.09–0.45%
Collimation:   Eight removable guide sections, each 4 × 4 cm2 and 2 m long; 2-m open area at sample stage to mount automatic changers, furnaces, magnets, cryostats, pressure cells, etc.
Q range (Å-1)
1.5-m collimation:
0.038 < Q < 1.0 Å-1 (5 Å); 0.019 < Q < 0.50 Å-1 (10 Å)
20 m collimation:   0.004 < Q < 0.074 Å-1 (5 Å); 0.002 < Q < 0.037 Å-1 (10 Å)
Sample detector distances:   1 < D < 20 m
Detector:   2-D (3He) position-sensitive detector with 1-m2 active area and 5.1 x 5.1 mm2 pixels
Max counting rate:   200 kHz

The General-Purpose SANS instrument is optimized for providing information about structure and interactions in materials in the size range of 0.5–200 nm. It will have cold neutron flux on sample and capabilities comparable to those of the best SANS instruments worldwide, including a wide range of neutron wavelengths lamda 5–30 Å, resolution δlamda/lamda 9.45%, and a 1-m2 area detector with 5- × 5-mm2 pixel resolution with a maximum counting capability of up to 200 kHz. The sample-to-detector distance can be varied from 1 to 20 m, and the detector can be offset horizontally by up to 45 cm, allowing a total accessible Q range of from <0.001 to 1 Å-1. The 2-m sample environment area will accommodate large, special-purpose sample environments such as cryomagnets, furnaces, mechanical load frames, and shear cells.

CG-2 Schematic


  • Soft condensed matter: molecular self-assembly and interactions in complex fluids; intermediate order in glassy systems, polymer solutions, gels and blends, colloids, micelles, and microemulsions.
  • Hard condensed matter: phase separation, grain growth, and orientation in metallurgical alloys, nanocomposites, advanced ceramics, and porous catalytic and adsorbent materials.
  • Magnetic systems: flux lattices in superconductors, ferrofluids, and the relationship between structural and magnetic domains and ordering.


Ken Littrell, Instrument Scientist

Yuri Melnichenko, Instrument Scientist

Katherine Atchley, Scientific Associate


  Information Contact: Katherine Atchley, Scientific Associate  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science