Midcourse Review  >  Table of Contents  > Focus Area 8: Environmental Health  >  Progress Quotient Chart

Figure 8-1. Progress Quotient Chart for Focus Area 8: Environmental Health

Moved away from target Moved away from target Moved toward target Moved toward target Met target Met target

  Percent of targeted change achieved
8-1. Harmful air pollutants (1997, 2001)
a. Ozone Moved toward target
5% - Moved toward target
b. Particulate matter Moved toward target
8% - Moved toward target
c. Carbon monoxide Moved toward target
35% - Moved toward target
d. Nitrogen dioxide Met target 100% - Met target
e. Sulfur dioxide Moved toward target
50% - Moved toward target
f. Lead Met target 100% - Met target
g. Any criteria pollutant Moved toward target
8% - Moved toward target
8-2. Alternate modes of transportation (1995, 2001)  
a. Bicycling Moved away from target
-11% - Moved away from target
b. Walking Moved toward target
59% - Moved toward target
c. Transit Moved away from target
-11% - Moved away from target
8-3. Cleaner alternative fuels (1997, 2004) Moved toward target
8% - Moved toward target
8-5. Safe drinking water: community water systems (1995, 2003) Moved toward target
55% - Moved toward target
8-6. Waterborne disease outbreaks (1987–96, 2002) Moved away from target 
-25% - Moved away from target
8-11. Elevated blood lead levels: 1-5 years (1991–94, 1999–2002) Moved toward target
64% - Moved toward target
8-13. Pesticide exposures causing health care visits (1997, 2003) Moved toward target
32% - Moved toward target
8-22. Pre-1950s homes tested for lead-based paint (1998, 2002) Moved toward target
15% - Moved toward target
8-23. Substandard housing units (1995, 2003) Moved toward target
18% - Moved toward target
8-29. Global deaths from poor sanitation, water, or hygiene (1990, 2000)
Met target and increasingMet target and increasing
161% - Met target
8-30. Wastewater service provided: U.S.-Mexico border (1997, 2002)  
a. Ciudad Acuna
Met target and increasingMet target and increasing
360% - Met target
b. Matamoros 0%
e. Piedras Negras
Met target and increasingMet target and increasing
200% - Met target
f. Reynosa
Met target and increasingMet target and increasing
180% - Met target
8-30. Wastewater service received  
g. Ciudad Acuna
Met target and increasingMet target and increasing
750% - Met target
h. Matamoros 0%
k. Piedras Negras
Met target and increasingMet target and increasing
750% - Met target
l. Reynosa Target met at baseline. Target met at baseline.


Tracking data for objectives 8-2d, 8-4, 8-7, 8-8a and b, 8-9, 8-10a and b, 8-12a through d, 8-14a and b, 8-15, 8-16a, b, and c, 8-17 through 8-21, 8-24b, c, and d, 8-25a through s, 8-26, 8-27a through k, and o, and 8-30c, d, i, and j are unavailable. Objectives 8-24a, 8-27l, m, and n, and 8-28 were deleted at the midcourse.

Years in parentheses represent the baseline data year and the most recent data year used to compute the percent of the Healthy People 2010 target achieved.

Equation expressing change between baseline data year and most recent data value to detemine percent of 2010 target achieved.

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