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A notice posted on the window of a biology classroom at Vista del Lago High School suggests tips to avoid contracting or spreading the flu virus.
By Martin E. Klimek, for USA TODAY
As millions of students and teachers head back to class this month and next, schools are preparing...more

Swine flu


Patients, survivors, loved ones share stories, advice.
'Everywhere' chemical: What you need to know.
College dorms can trigger asthma attacks.

Most Influential Doctors

List of 6,000 physicians near you who specialize in high cholesterol, hypertension, asthma or diabetes from firm Qforma.

Weight-Loss Challenge: Diet on a Dime

Easy look through 21 diet plans.
Nutritionist Bonnie Taub-Dix's tricks.
Hear on Twitter how they're handling temptations.
Four nutrition experts offer advice and recipes.


What you need to know, plus video.
Interactive graphic shows the basic workings, history of the disease.
Bob and Carol Blackwell blog on the early stages.

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