Why Population Counts
Population trends have a powerful impact on our future, affecting everything from the environment to the economy to resource scarcity. The Population Resource Center is committed to educating policymakers about important demographic trends and their implications for public policy. To that end, the Center promotes the use of accurate population data and sound, objective analysis of these data in the making of public policy.

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Latest News

Dec. 08, 2008
PRC has gone green!
PRC has become a part of the global transition into a clean energy future by joining with the Carbonfund organization to reduce our carbon footprint.

Dec. 01, 2008
PRC is now on Facebook and Youtube
PRC is proud to announce its new Facebook and Youtube pages. You can now watch uploaded videos and presentations from our congressional public symposiums and policy briefings on both sites.

May. 14, 2008
Get the Facts on Global Health
The Kaiser Family Foundation has unveiled a new database on global health that provides country-specific information on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.

Upcoming Events
Jun. 08, 2009
Getting Around in 21st Century America
The United States is experiencing dramatic demographics changes that are reshaping our nation and redefining our needs. Our senior population is projected to grow by 36 percent from 2010 to 2020. Members of minority groups are expected to constitute a majority of the population by 2042. In addition, U.S. household size continues to decrease and is projected to fall below 2.5 by 2020. To prepare for these changes, we need a visionary transportation bill that provides all Americans with options while reflecting the shifting composition of our population.

Jun. 05, 2009
Africa's Future
Every minute of every day a woman dies from pregnancy-related complications. Family planning could prevent up to one-third of all maternal deaths worldwide. In sub-Saharan Africa, an estimated 35 million women have an unmet need for family planning. Unintended rapid population growth contributes to the depletion of natural resources, poverty and political unrest.

Apr. 20, 2009
Funding the Census: Why Congress Matters!
The Census Bureau plans to hire 140,000 temporary census workers to check a 145 million addresses to ensure that census forms are mailed to all households in 2010. It is critical that there be sufficient funding appropriated by Congress to ensure that all of these workers are hired. Former Congressman Thomas Sawyer met with the following offices to discuss the status of 2010 Appropriations and why it is critical to all Members of Congress.

Population Matters - Official Blog of the Population Resource Center

Jul. 14, 2009

Dr. Groves approved as Director of Census Bureau
  Dr. Robert Groves Confirmed as Director of the Census Bureau    Yesterday, the U.S. Senate voted 76-15 to end the debate on the nomination of Dr. Robert Groves as the Director of the U.S.Census Bureau.  This vote overcame the objections of several Republicans more than three months after President Obama nominated the renowned survey methodologist and former...
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Jul. 13, 2009

Facts for World Population Day
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Source: Xinhua General News Service (China) WASHINGTON -- The World Bank and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) warned on Tuesday that family planning and other reproductive health programs vital to poor women had fallen off the development radar of many low-income and donor country governments and international aid agencies. These programs, they said in...
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Jul. 06, 2009

The 2010 Census: Still a wing and a prayer
The Census Bureau is planning to hire more than 750,000 temporary workers over the next 9 months to conduct the Census. They will mail out 150 million questionaires to American households in March, 2010. And they are still without a Director.  Dr. Robert M. Groves was nominated by President Obama in April and confirmed by the Senate in May.  However, one or more anonymous Republican...
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Jul. 02, 2009

Americans are Still Retiring
 Richard F. Hokenson (www.hokenson.biz) reports that Americans are still retiring.  Despite the dramatic declines in the 401K's of retirees, almost 500,000 men and women over 65 left the work force in 2008 according to Mr. Hokenson in his recent article Americans are Still Retiring. He concludes that retirement patterns have not changed significantly over the last 15 years, rather they...
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May. 12, 2009

Taking the Measure: Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S.
Immigration is back on the policy agenda.  Early in April, the White House again signaled the President's intention to re-start the immigration debate.  Conceding that the issue is politically controversial, Obama is nevertheless quoted as saying ‘those who are long time residents but lack legal status "have to have some mechanism over time to get out of the shadows."'...
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Apr. 20, 2009

20th Century Generations
“20th Century Generations”, a Population Reference Bureau (www.prb.org) publication by Elwood Carlson melds a demographic concept “cohorts” with political and historical events in our nation’s history.   Building on work by Ryder, Straus and Howell and Easterly, Carlson identifies “seven public generations” of the 20th century. These generations...
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