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Information and activities for students and teachers who'd like to learn more about oil spills or hazardous chemical accidents.
Featured:Software & Data SetsWeb Portals
Cleaning Oiled Feathers An experiment, designed for elementary school students, that shows how oil affects bird feathers. You can try out different cleanup methods to find out which works best.
Coral Reefs and Oil Spills: A Guided Tour Get a basic overview of coral ecology, learn what types of things can harm coral, and see how responders must handle fragile coral reefs in their response and restoration efforts.
Dispersants: A Guided Tour Dispersants are one kind of countermeasure to oil spills. Here's a basic explanation of what they are and how they work.
Edmonds Dock Tour A presentation of animals and organisms living in the water column at a dock in Edmonds, Washington.
FAQ Icon. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Oil and Chemical Spills Answers to questions that students, teachers, and others have asked us about topics related to our work.
Graphing Changes in Marine Life Abundance Try your hand at some marine biology! Follow these steps, designed for middle and high school students, to make a study of the marine life occupying a section, or quadrat, of Mearns Rock.
Investigating the Top of the Water Column Take a look at the creatures living at the top of the water column, which could be affected by an oil spill. For high school students or older people.
Making Mousse An experiment, designed for elementary school students, that shows how oil spilled on the ocean can form a mousse.
Mearns Rock Time Series How does marine life recover from a major, one-time stress, such as an oil spill? As you will learn here, the answer is not simple.
Observing Marine Life Abundance Each of the photos you observe in the Graphing Project is a close-up of one section (quadrat) of Mearns Rock.
Oil Floats and Spreads An experiment, designed for elementary school students, that shows how oil behaves in water.
Oil Trajectory Prediction Here's how our computer model predicted the oil spilled from the Exxon Valdez would travel across Prince William Sound, Alaska, during the first week after that spill started in March 1989.
Sediment Penetration Exercise An exercise for high school students or older people that shows how different oil products can behave in different sediments.
Water Cycle Game This game teaches a more realistic version of the complex water cycle, and, how the water cycle influences the transport of pollutants.
What's the Story on Oil Spills? When we talk about oil spills, how much oil are we talking about?

Software & Data Sets supporting Inspiring Students and Teachers Pages on our site that provide access to software created by the Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) to aid first responders, planners, and restoration practitioners.
CAMEO Training
Information about CAMEO training, the instructor certification program, and schools that are using CAMEO programs to teach students about emergency response and planning.
Drawing of a sinking tanker, leaking oil into the water. GNOME
The GNOME Development team has released a Location File for New York Harbor, plus an updated GNOME 1.3.0!
Using Maps to Evaluate Environmental Tradeoffs
Instructions and materials for an exercise in which you plan a protection strategy for a coastline threatened by an oil spill.
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Web Portals to sites about Inspiring Students and Teachers Pages on our site that provide information about and access to Web sites of closely-related agencies and programs.
exxon valdez Prince William's Oily Mess: A Tale of Recovery
A case study in the Exxon Valdez oil spill, accompanied by a set of supporting resources, including student and teacher guides, an interactive quiz, an exercise with real data, and an interview with a National Ocean Service (NOS) scientist, Dr. Alan Mearns.
Exploring Earth: What Happens When an Oil Spill Occurs?
A Web-based investigation that uses animations, interactive graphics, and unique imagery to help students gather information about oil spills.
Nonpoint Source Pollution
A tutorial describing the categories of nonpoint source pollution, the various pollutants that originate from nonpoint sources, and our research and monitoring efforts.
NOS Education Discovery Kit: Corals
A tutorial on the biology of and threats to corals, a roadmap to related Web resources, and a series of coral-related lesson plans developed for students at the high school level.
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Current News: Serving Communities
Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet Assessment Project Learn about NOAA's special Suisun Bay project investigating potential impacts from the mothball, Reserve Fleet in Suisun Bay, CA. (updated: July 28, 2009)
Of Special Note: Serving Communities
Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program NOAA's Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program (DARRP) is responsible for assessing and restoring coastal and marine resources injured by oil spills, hazardous substance releases, and vessel groundings.
OR&R Efforts in Vieques, Puerto Rico Vieques is a small island east of mainland Puerto Rico that was formerly used by the U.S. Navy for military training operations. The Navy ceased operations in 2003, and is now investigating areas it previously occupied to determine the extent of contamination.
OR&R: A History Learn more about the origins of NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R).
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