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8/13/2009 Report: Medicare Experience Points to Massive Fraud Under Nationalized Health Care Option
8/13/2009 Rep. Issa Expands ACORN Investigation
8/11/2009 Inspector General Report Details More Stimulus Waste
8/7/2009 Rep. Issa Statement on Wall Street Journal Countrywide VIP Story
8/7/2009 Senate Ethics Decision on Countrywide Should Clear Way for Subpoena to Bank of America
8/4/2009 Issa to Emanuel: Back Off!
8/3/2009 Issa Statement on Bank of America-Merrill Lynch SEC Charges and Settlement
7/29/2009 Chairman Towns, Ranking Member Issa Call for Replacement of Amtrak’s ‘Interim’ IG
7/23/2009 Issa Statement on President's Response to SIGTARP Report Question
7/23/2009 Report: Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise?
7/23/2009 Real Reform Must Protect Consumers, Strengthen Oversight and Reform Fannie/Freddie
7/22/2009 Issa Questions General Motors on Inappropriate Political Interference in Business Decisions
7/22/2009 Republican Report Finds Litigation, More than Arbitration, Harms Consumers
7/21/2009 Will Treasury Answer for Lack of TARP Transparency?
7/15/2009 Rep. Issa Renews Demand for Probe of Administration’s Suppression of Dissent in Cap & Trade Debate
7/15/2009 Republicans Announce Appointments to the 9/11-Style Financial Crisis Commission
7/9/2009 Issa on CIA Controversy: “The whole question of lying to Congress is serious enough that it should always be investigated and taken seriously.”
7/7/2009 Report: The Role of Government Affordable Housing Policy in Creating the Global Financial Crisis of 2008
6/26/2009 Rep. Issa Opposes ‘Cap-and-Trade’ Energy Tax
6/25/2009 Bank of America/Federal Reserve: Who Is Telling the Truth?
6/24/2009 Bank of America Ready to Turn Over ‘Countrywide VIP’ Documents if Majority Will Issue Subpoena
6/23/2009 Issa Weighs-in on Administration’s Roll-back of Union Transparency Requirements
6/19/2009 AIG Investigation Must Move Forward Without Interference from Treasury
6/18/2009 Issa Presses U.S. Attorney on White House Dismissal of AmeriCorps IG
6/17/2009 Overhaul Proposal Ignores Federal Role in Causing Financial Crisis, Abuses of Government Power in Bailouts
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