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8/12/2009 McKeon: “An Opportunity to Succeed in Afghanistan”
7/30/2009 McKeon Opening Statement for Hearing on the U.S. Security Relationship with Russia and Its Impact on Transatlantic Security
7/30/2009 Akin Opening Statement for Hearing on Cost Reduction Efforts for Naval Vessel Construction
7/28/2009 Miller Opening Statement for Hearing on Consequence Management for an Attack on the U.S. Homeland Involving Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosives
7/28/2009 Wittman Opening Statement for Hearing on Professional Military Education
7/23/2009 Forbes Statement for Hearing on the Proposed Reconfiguration of the National Defense Stockpile
7/22/2009 Wilson Opening Statement for Hearing on Family Support Programs
7/21/2009 McKeon: “America’s Citizens and Troops Continue to Wait for the President’s Plan To Detain and Prosecute Terrorists Captured on the Battlefield”
7/20/2009 McKeon, Wilson Praise Decision to Increase Army by 22,000 Soldiers
7/16/2009 Akin Opening Statement for Hearing on Electromagnetic Launch System for the Gerald R. Ford Class Aircraft Carrier
7/16/2009 McKeon Opening Statement for Hearing on the Military Commissions Act
7/15/2009 McKeon Opening Statement for Hearing on New Generation of Threats from Weapons of Mass Destruction
7/15/2009 Wittman Opening Statement for Hearing on Professional Military Education
7/14/2009 Senior Armed Services Committee Members to Participate in Panel Discussion at U.S. Air, Trade, and Technology Expo in Dayton, Ohio
7/9/2009 Bartlett Statement for Joint Hearing on Army and Marine Corps Reset Requirements
7/9/2009 Forbes Statement for Joint Hearing on Army and Marine Corps Reset Requirements
7/9/2009 Akin Opening Statement for Joint Hearing on Army and Marine Corps Reset Requirements
6/25/2009 Wittman Opening Statement for Hearing on Professional Military Education—Commandants’ View
6/25/2009 Republican Motion to Recommitt Provides Funding for Critical Military Programs
6/24/2009 Wilson Statement on the Disabled Military Retiree Relief Act
6/24/2009 McKeon Statement for the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
6/24/2009 Bartlett Statement on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
6/24/2009 Forbes Statement on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
6/24/2009 Miller Statement on the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
6/24/2009 Akin Statement on the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
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