2009 Kit

Press Room

SAMHSA Press Release: 2009 Recovery Month to Mark 20th Anniversary: TV and Radio Public Service Announcements Unveiled

(6/25/2009 )

National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month) will host its 20th anniversary observance in September 2009.  The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) today unveiled materials developed to help communities plan and host Recovery Month events and activities and to help publicize the Agency’s 24/7 toll-free substance use disorder information and treatment referral Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP.

 The 2009 Recovery Month theme – “Join the Voices for Recovery:  Together We Learn, Together We Heal,” underscores the continued gains our nation is making in addressing addiction treatment.  It also supports the need to redouble efforts to reach those who still need to find and successfully complete addiction treatment services and join the ranks of those in long-term recovery from alcohol and drug addiction.

 “Increasingly communities are realizing that addiction treatment services help communities decrease costs in other healthcare areas, as well as reduce the criminal justice and other social costs to states, tribes, counties, cities, towns and municipalities,” notes SAMHSA Acting Administrator Eric Broderick, D.D.S, M.P.H.    “We need to continue to fight the discrimination that exists toward those who have an addiction or are in long-term recovery and make sure that the more than 23 million who still need treatment can find it and can afford to get it,” he added.

 The last 20 years has seen a positive change in the addiction treatment and recovery landscape.  People in recovery increasingly identify addiction as a disease that must be treated just like any other disease.  The field has also seen an influx of new addiction services treatment options including on-line communities and E-Counseling.

 The Recovery Month’s 20th Anniversary kit contains targeted fact sheets with current data and information about recovery and new developments in substance use disorder treatment.  There are also two new public service announcements – available in English and Spanish – that steer the viewers and listeners to the 1-800-662-Helpline.

One PSA, titled “Black and White in Color,” is a realistic depiction of a father’s daily struggle with addiction and the emotional toll it has on his life and family. Though physically present when interacting with family and friends, he is emotionally detached from the world around him. While others thrive in color, his distance is evident by living a life in black and white. Through treatment and recovery he is able to regain control of his life, transitioning to a life of color and reconnecting with family and friends. 

“Making Sense,” the second PSA, illustrates the isolation and confusion that addiction inflicts upon a young woman’s life, and the sense of community that is rediscovered through treatment and long-term recovery. Though surrounded by friends, she is unable to comprehend her surroundings and what people are saying. With treatment and recovery, she begins to see the world around her – and everything becomes much clearer. She is able to interact with others and enjoy what is going on around her as she takes control of her life again.

The Recovery Month Planning Partners collaborate with SAMHSA to develop the campaign and materials.  In 2008 more than 850 community events and activities were organized.  Overall, Recovery Month events, TV and Radio programs and PSAs reach more than 25-million people nationwide. 

The Recovery Month web casts and all other materials and information are available at www.recoverymonth.gov or by calling 1-800-662-HELP referral and information line.


Keywords: Press Briefing, 2009 Recovery Month, Observance, TV and Radio Public Service Announcements Unveiled