What We Know About Radiation


  1. What is radiation?
  2. When do we encounter ionizing radiation in our daily lives?
  3. How do we know about the effects of large doses of ionizing radiation?
  4. What are some of the beneficial ways in which ionizing radiation is used in medicine and in medical research?
  5. What are the adverse effects of ionizing radiation?
  6. Should patients be concerned about the radiation they may receive from tests that their physicians have ordered?
  7. Should patients with cancer be concerned about the radiotherapy they undergo?
  8. Should patients or normal volunteers be concerned about participating in medical research studies in which they may be exposed to some radiation?
  9. Should people be concerned about ionizing radiation?

1. What is radiation?

We live in a sea of radiation. There are many different types of radiation, some of which are visible light, ultraviolet rays from the sun, infrared from a heat lamp, microwaves, radio waves and ionizing radiation. Radiation is said to be ionizing if it has sufficient energy to displace one or more of the electrons that are part of an atom. This creates an electrically charged atom known as an ion. Common examples of ionizing radiation are x rays, which are generated by machines, and gamma rays, which are emitted by radioactive materials. Others include alpha and beta rays, which are also emitted from radioactive materials, and neutrons, which are emitted during the splitting (fission) of atoms in a nuclear reactor.

2. When do we encounter ionizing radiation in our daily lives?

Everyone who lives on this planet is constantly exposed to naturally occurring ionizing radiation (background radiation). This has been true since the dawn of time. The average effective dose equivalent of radiation to which a person in the United States is exposed annually is estimated to be about 350 millirem. (A millirem is a unit that estimates the biological impact of a particular type of radiation absorbed in the body.)

Sources of background radiation include cosmic rays from the sun and stars; naturally occurring radioactive materials in rocks and soil; radionuclides (unstable radioactive counterparts to naturally stable atoms) normally incorporated into our body's tissues; and radon and its products, which we inhale. Radon exists as a gas and is present in soil from which it seeps into the air. Radon gets trapped inside buildings, especially if the ventilation is poor. Levels of environmental radiation depend upon geology, how we construct our dwellings, and altitude. For example, radiation levels from cosmic rays are greater for people on airplanes and those living on the Colorado plateau. This low-level background radiation is a part of the earth's natural environment and any degree of risk associated with it has not been demonstrated to date.

We are also exposed to ionizing radiation from man-made sources, mostly through medical procedures. On the average, doses from a diagnostic x-ray are much lower, in dose effective terms, than natural background radiation. Radiation therapy, however, can reach levels many times higher than background radiation but this is usually targeted only to the affected tissues. Besides extremely small amounts of ionizing radiation from color televisions and smoke detectors, there are small amounts of ionizing radiation in many building materials and mining and agricultural products, such as granite, coal, and potassium salt. People who smoke receive additional radiation from radionuclides in tobacco smoke.

3. How do we know about the effects of large doses of ionizing radiation?

The adverse effects of large doses of radiation were seen shortly after the discovery of radioactivity and x rays in the 1890s. In 1902, skin cancers were reported in scientists who were studying radioactivity. Back then, no one took special precautions in working with radioactive materials because their effects were not yet fully recognized. The occupational hazards soon became apparent. For example, the widely publicized reports (3,4) on radium dial painters described cases of bone cancer in women who wet their brushes on their tongues to get a good "point" for painting radium on watch dials. The role of radiation in causing leukemia in humans was first reported in 1944 in physicians and radiologists.

Much of our data on the effects of large doses of radiation comes from survivors of the 1945 atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and from other people who received large doses of radiation, usually for treatment. The National Cancer Institute (NCI, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), in collaboration with the Radiation Effects Research Foundation , an international group supported jointly by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare, continues to study the long-term effects of radiation on the survivors of the bombs. The percentage of cancers related to radiation depends on the dose received; on the average, only about 12% of all the cancers that have developed among those survivors who were studied are estimated to be related to radiation; only about 9% of the fatal cancers in this study population are estimated to be related to radiation.

Other populations exposed to radioactive materials are also being studied. Uranium miners who were exposed to radon in the mines and those who lived near the Nevada nuclear weapons test site that was used from 1951-1963 and who experienced fallout from the atmospheric tests have been evaluated. NCI also is working with the ministries of health of Belarus and Ukraine to set up studies of the children most affected by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident and of the workers who cleaned up the plant after the accident. The information from all these studies has been and will continue to be published--after rigorous review--in medical and scientific journals that are available to everyone. (5,6)

4. What are some of the beneficial ways in which ionizing radiation is used in medicine and in medical research?

The discovery of x rays in 1895 was a major turning point in diagnosing diseases because physicians finally had an easy way to "see" inside the body without having to operate. Newer x-ray technologies such as CT (computerized tomography) scans have revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting almost every part of the body. Other sophisticated techniques have provided physicians with low-risk ways to diagnose heart disease . For example, doctors can now pinpoint cholesterol deposits that are narrowing or blocking coronary arteries, information essential for bypassing or unclogging them.

Every major hospital in the United States has a nuclear medicine department in which radionuclides are used to diagnose and treat a wide variety of diseases more effectively and safely by "seeing" how the disease process alters the normal function of an organ. To obtain this information, a patient either swallows, inhales, or receives an injection of a tiny amount of a radionuclide. Special cameras reveal where the radioactivity accumulates briefly in the body, providing, for example, an image of the heart that shows normal and malfunctioning tissue. Radionuclides-are also used in laboratory tests to measure important substances in the body, such as thyroid hormone. Radionuclides are used to effectively treat patients with thyroid diseases, including Graves disease--one of the most common forms of hyperthyroidism--and thyroid cancer.

The use of ionizing radiation has led to major improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cancer. These innovations have resulted in increased survival rates and improved quality of life. Mammography can detect breast cancer at an early stage when it may be curable. Needle biopsies are more safe, accurate, and informative when guided by x-ray or other imaging techniques. Radiation is used in monitoring the response of tumors to treatment and in distinguishing malignant tumors from benign ones. Bone and liver scans can detect cancers that have spread.

Half of all people with cancer are treated with radiation, and the number of those who have been cured continues to rise. There are now tens of thousands of individuals alive and cured from various cancers as a result of radiotherapy. In addition, there are many patients who have had their disease temporarily halted by radiotherapy. Radionuclides are also being used to decrease or eliminate the pain associated with cancer--such as that of the prostate or breast--that has spread to the bone.

Radionuclides are a technological backbone for much of the biomedical research being done today. They are used in identifying and learning how genes work. Much of the research on AIDS is dependent upon the use of radionuclides. Scientists are also "arming" monoclonal antibodies--that are produced in the laboratory and engineered to bind to a specific protein on a patient's tumor cells--with radionuclides. When such "armed" antibodies are injected into a patient, they bind to the tumor cells, which are then killed by the attached radioactivity, but the nearby normal cells are spared. So far, this approach has produced encouraging success in treating patients with leukemia. Most new drugs, before they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration , have undergone animal studies that use radionuclides to learn how the body metabolizes them.

Another clinical and research tool, PET scanning (positron emission tomography), involves injecting radioactive material into a person to "see" the metabolic activity and circulation in a living brain. PET studies have enabled scientists to pinpoint the site of brain tumors or the source of epileptic activity, and to better understand many neurologic diseases . For example, researchers were able to learn how dopamine--the chemical messenger (neurotransmitter) that's involved in Parkinson's disease--is used by the brain.

These are but a few of the many vital uses of ionizing radiation in medicine. About 70 to 80 percent of all research at the National Institutes of Health is performed using radiation and radioactive materials. NIH research has consistently produced results that have improved the health of the American people.

5. What are the adverse effects of ionizing radiation?

Ionizing radiation can cause important changes in our cells by breaking the electron bonds that hold molecules together. For example, radiation can damage our genetic material (deoxy-ribonucleic acid or DNA) either directly by displacing electrons from the DNA molecule, or indirectly by displacing electrons from some other molecule in the cell that then interacts with the DNA. A cell can be destroyed quickly or its growth or function may be altered through a change (or mutation) that may not be evident for many years. However, the possibility of this inducing a clinically significant illness or other problem is quite remote at small radiation doses.

Our cells, however, have several mechanisms to repair the damage done to DNA by radiation. The efficiency of these repair mechanisms differs among cells and depends on several things, including the type and dose of radiation. There also are biological factors that can greatly modify the cancer-causing effects of large doses of radiation.

The severity of radiation's effects depends on many other factors such as the magnitude and duration of the dose; the area of the body exposed to it; and a person's sex, age, and physical condition. A very large dose of radiation to the whole body at one time can result in death. Exposure to large doses of radiation can increase the risk of developing cancer. Because a radiation-induced cancer is indistinguishable from cancer caused by other factors, it is very difficult to pinpoint radiation as the cause of cancer in a particular individual.

Other effects of large doses of radiation include suppression of the immune system and cataracts. Certain tissues of a fetus, particularly the brain, are especially sensitive to radiation at specific stages of development. However, the children and grandchildren of the atomic bomb survivors so far have shown no greater incidence of genetic problems than do unexposed populations. (7)

It is very difficult to detect biologic effects in animals or people who are exposed to small doses of radiation. Based on studies in animals and in people exposed to large doses of radiation such as the atomic bomb survivors, scientists have made conservative estimates of what might be the largest doses that would be reasonably safe for a person over a lifetime. But these calculations are estimates only, based on mathematical models. Low-level exposures received by the general public have shown no link to cancer induction. Even so, the U.S. Government uses these estimates to set the limits on all potential exposures to radiation for workers in jobs that expose them to ionizing radiation. International experts and various scientific committees have, over the years, examined the massive body of knowledge about radiation effects in developing and refining radiation protection standards.

6. Should patients be concerned about the radiation they may receive from tests that their physicians have ordered?

The doses involved in medical procedures that use radiation or radioactive materials have been decreasing over the past two decades as x-ray films and equipment have been improved. Also, the ability to target radiation more precisely to one part of the body has resulted in less exposure to the rest of the body.

It is always wise to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure. Physicians routinely compare the risks of radiation to the benefits derived from a diagnostic use of radiation to ensure that there is more benefit to the patient than risk. In many cases, such diagnostic tests enable doctors to treat the patient without invasive and life-threatening procedures.

Radiologists, health physicists, the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements--the Congressionally chartered independent advisory group that, among other things, recommends what the U.S. radiation standards should be--and other responsible parties are continually seeking ways of minimizing risk while retaining or improving the benefits from medical uses of radiation.

Therefore, patients should not be concerned about radiation exposure from medical tests as the benefits of these procedures far outweigh the potential risks from their exposure.

7. Should patients with cancer be concerned about the radiotherapy they undergo?

Radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy are the major ways in which cancer is treated; they are used singly or in combinations depending on the cancer. The effectiveness of radiation in killing cancer cells--and, at the same time, the potential for harm to normal tissues--depends on several things, including the type of radiation used, the extent of the body that is treated, and the patient's age or other medical problems. Doctors try to avoid exposure of large parts of the body to radiation because this can cause serious side effects like a secondary cancer--one that develops after treatment for the initial cancer. However, only about 5% of all secondary cancers have been linked to radiotherapy. The risk of leukemia after large doses of radiation to localized areas of the body often is surprisingly low, because the local effect is to kill cells that might, at smaller doses, undergo transformation--the changes that a normal cell undergoes as it becomes malignant--eventually leading to leukemia. Other side effects of radiotherapy range from mild to serious; many are temporary.

With the development of better therapy machines and the use of computers to plan the treatment, the safety and efficacy of radiotherapy have steadily improved. Radiologists make every attempt to minimize harmful effects to normal tissues. Thus, a patient's risks from exposure to radiation are far offset by the benefits from the treatment.

8. Should patients or normal volunteers be concerned about participating in medical research studies in which they may be exposed to some radiation?

The U.S. Government takes measures to protect the rights and welfare of everyone who participates in medical research studies. By law, studies involving humans and funded by the U.S. Government must first be approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the hospital or university where the study will be conducted. The IRB, composed of a group of individuals with backgrounds in science, ethics, and other fields, must ensure that all risks to the participants are justified on the basis of potential benefits either to them or to society and that their rights will be protected. This regulation applies to all studies, including those in which the use of radiation is proposed. It is also the IRB's responsibility to ensure that patients or volunteers are fully and accurately informed of the risks and benefits of participation in the study, are not coerced in any way into participating, and are competent to make the decision to participate. (If the studies will be conducted in children, then parental consent and assent by the child is required.) When the use of ionizing radiation is involved, nearly all such institutions also have a group of radiation health experts (the radiation safety committee) review the proposed research before it can be approved to proceed.

9. Should people be concerned about ionizing radiation?

Most of the radiation that we are receiving is naturally occurring background radiation over which we have little control. Some level of exposure to additional radiation is unavoidable. It appears, however, that the cancer risk from very small-dose exposure is quite low. It is prudent to avoid unnecessary exposure, but not if one loses more--in money, time, convenience, or increased risks from other things--by avoiding radiation rather than ignoring it.

The cancer risk associated with exposure to large doses of ionizing radiation is among the best understood of any relationships involving environmental agents that cause cancer; this relationship continues to be studied and reevaluated. This knowledge is constantly used in evaluating the risks and benefits of the uses of radiation in medicine. In the overwhelming majority of cases where it is used, the benefits of medical radiation far outweigh the risks associated with it, but there is a tradeoff. In this sense, radiation is no different than any other diagnostic or therapeutic agent, except that we have more information than usual.

Properly managed, radiation can be used for great benefit to humanity and with minimal risk, a risk comparable to or lower than those commonly accepted as an ordinary part of daily life such as driving to work.

graph of radiation exposure


  1. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States. Report No. 93. Bethesda, MD, 1987.
  2. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Radiation Exposure of the U.S. Population From Consumer Products and Miscellaneous Sources. Report No. 95. Bethesda, MD, 1987.
  3. H.S. Martland and R.E. Humphries. Osteogenic Sarcoma in Dial Painters Using Luminous Paint. Archives of Pathology 1929; 7:406-417.
  4. J.C. Aub, R.D. Evans, L.H. Hempelmann, and H.S. Martland. The Late Effects of Internally-Deposited Radioactive Materials in Man. Medicine 1952; 31:221-329.
  5. John D. Boice, Jr. Radiation Carcinogenesis - Human Epidemiology. In: The Biological Basis of Radiation Protection Practice. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1992; pages 89-120.
  6. International Atomic Energy Agency. The International Chernobyl Project -- Assessment of Radiological Consequences and Evaluation of Protective Measures. Report No. 91- 03254. Summary Brochure. Vienna, Austria: 1991.
  7. National Research Council. Health Effects of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation, BEIR V. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1990.
This fact sheet was prepared by the Office of Communications and Public Liaison and the Radiation Safety Branch of the Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health. April 2000

Other Sources of Information

Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
Health Hazards in the Workplace
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Radiation information links

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