Release Date:  February 26, 1999


National Cancer Institute

The Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) of the National
Cancer Institute (NCI) announces the availability of one-time administrative
supplements to NCI-funded Clinical and Comprehensive Cancer Center P30 awards to
study the impact of cancer on the family. The NCI is committed to understanding
the needs of families affected by cancer and developing appropriate interventions
based upon these needs.  Toward that goal, DCCPS has set aside funds for
administrative supplements to support exploratory and pilot research in this area
on the topics listed below.  Note that the focus of this research is on family
members and not on the survivors themselves.  The work proposed must be within
the scope of the research originally approved by peer-review.

1.  Under-represented populations: Research that assesses the psychosocial and
economic sequelae of diagnosis, treatment and follow-up specific to families of
under-represented populations.

2.  Descriptive research: Proposals exploring the total cost of the cancer
experience on the family. This might include the impact of cancer on finances,
health, emotional status, social relationships, academic and job performance,
family communications and relationships and family roles. Perceptions of the
health care system (including participation in clinical trials) is a possible
targeted area. Studies focusing upon decisions to undertake lifestyle changes and
cancer screening to decrease risk, and studies of relationships within families
involved in genetic testing are also of interest.

3.  Stages of family development: Research investigating the impact of cancer on
families at different stages of development, such as newly formed families, young
families with children and/or adolescents, and established families with adult
children.  This also includes families with different social structures, such as
single parent families, stepfamilies or extended families.

4.  Intervention research: Proposals testing strategies related to treatment
decision making, communication within families, behavior change, quality of life,
coping or related topics, including development or pilot testing of

5.  Site-specific research: Studies addressing specific problems or needs of
families affected by prostate, colorectal, lung and other cancers under-
represented in the literature.

6.  Measurement research: Projects developing or adapting quality of life and
other measurement tools to the study of family members, such as instruments to
assess quality of life of the family unit or family behavior in areas of decision
making, problem solving, and/or communication within families.

7.  Adjustment to illness (adaptation to negative life events): Proposals
addressing how family units rebound from the cancer experience or ways in which
families derive positive benefits from the affected family members cancer

Request for administrative supplements under this program should be developed
using the standard forms and format of the PHS 398 (revised 5/95), including the

A.  Cover letter requesting the administrative supplement and identifying this

B.  Face page

C.  Budget and budget justification

D.  Biosketches and other support for participating investigators

E.  Description of the proposed research, including an introduction, research
objectives, study methodology, and plans for analysis and/or interpretation of
study data (not to exceed 10 pages)

F.  Human subjects issues

Requests should contain enough detail to allow assessment of the scientific merit
of the proposed research and the appropriateness of the request for supplemental
funding. Budgets may not exceed $100,000 total direct costs for a time period not
exceeding 12 months.  All requests require an itemized budget and must be
countersigned by the grantee institution business office. Requests for
supplements under this program must comply with NIH policies for inclusion of
women, minorities, and children in research involving human subjects. 

The deadline for receipt of requests is May 14, 1999.  Requests should be sent

Margaret E. Holmes, Ph.D.
Cancer Centers Branch
National Cancer Institute
6130 Executive Boulevard, Room 502, MSC 7383
Bethesda, MD  20892-7383
Rockville, MD 20852 (for express/courier service)

Requests will undergo formal review for scientific merit by intramural and
extramural investigators and NCI program staff with expertise in the proposed
area of research.  Awards will be determined on the basis of scientific merit,
program relevance, and availability of funds.  The expected award date is
September 30, 1999.


Inquiries related to this notice should be addressed to the NCI Program Director
listed below.  Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposals with
the Program Director.

Michael Stefanek, Ph.D.
Division of  Cancer Control and Population Sciences
National Cancer Institute
Executive Plaza North, Room 211
Bethesda, MD  20892-7381
Telephone:  (301) 496-8776
FAX:  (301) 435-7547

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