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Future & Estate Planning

Family Handbook on Future Planning:
Published by The Arc of the United States and the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Aging with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and the Department of Disability and Human Development (IL UCEDD) College of Applied Health Sciences University of Illinois at Chicago. Family Handbook

This resource is a guide to help families develop a future plan for their sons or daughters with cognitive, intellectual or developmental disabilities and provide personal, financial and legal protections for these individuals after the parents either die or can no longer provide care or support.

A Family Handbook on Future Planning is not designed to be a “do-it-yourself” guide to will writing, trust development and other legal processes. Instead, it is designed to help families review and inventory the needs and strengths of their family member, determine what should be in a plan and then locate qualified professionals and resources to finalize the plan.

Care Notebook and Estate Planning Guide
Assists parents/caregivers in maintaining a medical record while also providing guidance on more emotional, future planning and estate issues. It was developed by The Center for Infants and Children with Special Needs: Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati and The Arc of Hamilton County.

My Life Book - Future Planning for People with Developmental Disabilities Developed by a team of experts in developmental disabilities, this DVD and workbook are designed to help families that include a member with developmental disabilities design a plan for the future. An engaging video follows the stories of several families as they attend a future planning class and begin the process of making difficult life decisions. The easy-to-use scrapbook-style workbook integrates with the video, providing families or caregivers with a permanent spot to record important life information. http://www.lookiris.com/products/lifebook/

The Special Needs Trust Administration Manual: A Guide for Trustees is a valuable reference guide for anyone who is managing a special needs trust for a person with disabilities. In an uncomplicated, user-friendly way, it explains the rules that govern Special Needs Trusts and how those rules relate to the many complicated government benefit programs that assist people with disabilities.

The Manual is for laypersons, such as friends and family of a person with disabilities, and for professionals, including attorneys, financial planners, and social workers-anyone who is administering (or considering administering) a Special Needs Trust. It is concise, easy to use, and packed with helpful information.

In clear, easy to understand language, the authors (all attorneys experienced in guiding trustees through the complex rules of Special Needs Trusts) explain how a trustee can use trust funds to meet the medical, recreation, and transportation needs of a person with disabilities without risking the benefits of government programs such as SSI, SSDI, Medicaid, and Section 8 housing. The authors give useful advice and provide many concrete examples.

The Manual also explains trustee's bond, fees, record keeping, accounting requirements, and fiduciary and investment responsibilities. Although the Manual explains how federal laws and regulations are applied in Massachusetts, it can be useful throughout the United States. Massachusetts laws, especially in respect to Medicaid, may differ significantly from other states' laws. Trustees outside Massachusetts should work with a local attorney who can guide them through the standards and practices in their state.

The authors, experienced Massachusetts attorneys, plan to update the manual periodically.

Published by People with Disabilities Press at iUniverse (2004): $15.95,
To order go to: www.disabilitiesbooks.com/catalog-servechildren.htm or contact: Stanley D. Klein, Ph.D., Series Editor, 33 Pond Avenue #807, Brookline, MA 02445
(617) 879-0397; e-mail: stan@disabilitiesbooks.com

Additional Resources
Exceptional Parent Magazine

Life and Financial Planning information, articles and tools. Includes information on guardianship, trusts, residential placement and other issues related to planning for your child with special needs' future. Click here to link to this site.

Special Child: Planning for your child's future
"When parents have a child with disabilities, one of the most important questions they ask themselves is, "What is going to happen to my child when I am no longer here?" A parent has the right to be concerned given the fact that how they leave their assets after death can greatly affect the quality of life for their child." Click here to link to this site.

Last updated July 18, 2008  
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